General confusion around sensors and entity_id:s

Hi, so up until just recently I’ve had a flex-table-card showing todays and tomorows elctricity prices. But since some upgradings it no longer works. I am having trouble understanding why…
So I have an entity, from which I’ve created 48 sensors to display the price for each hour. But now I’m getting errors like:
“This entity (“sensor.nordpool_today_hr_00_01”) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI”
And when I try to create a Lovelace card to show the value it’s just “Unavaliable”.
The entity entity from where all these sensors are created, contain all the relevant numbers. Couldn’t I just create a lovelace card showing those numbers directly?

Sensor code in config.yaml

  - platform: template
            entity_id: sensor.nordpool_kwh_se2_sek_3_95_025
            friendly_name: "Today hour 1"
            icon_template: mdi:cash
            unit_of_measurement: "sek"
            value_template: "{{[0] }}"

This is essentially the table I want:

I guess my question is concerning both the specific issue of creating my table, but also more generally. Must I create sensors to see these numbers in Lovelace?

try removing “entity_id: sensor.nordpool_kwh_se2_sek_3_95_025” from the sensor config.

that option was deprecated. Before it just gave a warning but it looks like it might now be an error and preventing the sensor from loading.

to get what you want for the table try looking at the custom “entity attribute card”.

Yeah I tried that as well, seemed that “entity_id” was fishy somehow. However, now the numbers are working at least (typo from me since last nordpool update…), with the

entity_id: nordpool…

still there.
Still, the custom flex-table-card is not working. But I’ll take a look at the “entity attribute card”.