Hi, so up until just recently I’ve had a flex-table-card showing todays and tomorows elctricity prices. But since some upgradings it no longer works. I am having trouble understanding why…
So I have an entity, from which I’ve created 48 sensors to display the price for each hour. But now I’m getting errors like:
“This entity (“sensor.nordpool_today_hr_00_01”) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI”
And when I try to create a Lovelace card to show the value it’s just “Unavaliable”.
The entity entity from where all these sensors are created, contain all the relevant numbers. Couldn’t I just create a lovelace card showing those numbers directly?
Sensor code in config.yaml
- platform: template
entity_id: sensor.nordpool_kwh_se2_sek_3_95_025
friendly_name: "Today hour 1"
icon_template: mdi:cash
unit_of_measurement: "sek"
value_template: "{{ states.sensor.nordpool_kwh_se2_sek_3_95_025.attributes.today[0] }}"
This is essentially the table I want:
I guess my question is concerning both the specific issue of creating my table, but also more generally. Must I create sensors to see these numbers in Lovelace?