General Ha-Bridge Guide (Hue Bridge for Alexa or Google Home)

bws is already aware of this issue and are working on a fix (retry when receiving a 504 timeout), see issue #501. 4.2.0 otherwise still running stable.

Great to know. Looking forwarding to the fix!

Is there anything further needed to add to the config for Hass items to control dimming?

I’ve added my Hass lights (LimitlessLED’s) and the turn off and on reflects in Hass correctly but I’m finding the dim function doesn’t get updated in Hass. It constantly shows the light at 255 brightness.

The command for the dim items is the same as the on command so not sure if that’s entirely right?
Should I be adding something else to control the dimming?

4.2.1 is available! So far so good…

Thanks for informing! Will try over the weekend! :slight_smile:

4.3 is now out… has anyone tested?

I upgraded to 4.3.1 this morning. Worked pretty well. The “hang after 10 min” issue seems gone now.

I upgraded yesterday (4.3) and it hasn’t stopped since, so it’s looking good :slight_smile:

Since the major changes to the UI I am getting somewhat confused as to whether or not we need, and where to enter the URL. If at all?
The new bridge seems to build a home assistant device okay for on and off but I am struggling with getting the dim function working correctly. I am trying to set the volume on a Sonos and before we would put a URL for volume_set but now we don’t seem to be able to add this URL?

Has anyone worked out the new format now in the new bridge? If so can anyone give some examples that cover on off and volume set for a media player device as an example?

Attached is a screenshot of what I have so far. This is for volume set only as on and off seem to work okay when you build the device

Any help much appreciated.

Try this for your dim settings… Leave the on and off as is.

Type: HTTP Device
Target: http://localhost:8123/api/services/media_player/volume_set
Http Verb: POST
Http Body: {"volume_level":".${intensity.percent}", "entity_id":"media_player.living_room"}
Http Headers: [{"name":"X-HA-Access", "value":"PASSWORD"}]
Content Type: application/json

You can now use ${intensity.decimal_percent} too instead of the decimal .${intensity.percent}
{"volume_level":"${intensity.decimal_percent}", "entity_id":"media_player.living_room"}

Hi Barry, many thanks for this it worked a treat.

Hi All,

Hoping to get some help, i’ve had HA-Bridge and Home Assistant working well to turn lights on/off for some time now (using LimitlessLEDs/MiLights).

However, sometimes people change the color of the light using the app/remote which is annoying. I wanted it so that the default color and brightness is set on the lights every time HA-bridge calls the light. I have tested the commands I would like to be sent with the code by calling the service directly in Home Assistant.

Home Assistant code: {“entity_id”:“light.hallway”,“color_temp”:400,“color_name”:“white”}

I have tried to translate this into the HaBridge

Type: HomeAssistant Device
Target: HomeAssistant
Target Item:

However, it doesn’t appear to do anything except turn the light on and retain the previous settings (e.g. if the light was red, it remains red).

I looked at the examples in this list, however they appear to all use direct HTTP connections vs. the Home Assistant integration.

Could someone please share a screenshot of their setup for dimming hue lights? I’ve got it working perfectly for on/off but seem to have lost the ability to dim since upgrading (now running 4.3.1)

once u click on the HomeAssistant Device tab you need to select “pass thu value” from the drop box above where it shows the entity ID’s. kinda easy to over look hope this helps

I’m having some trouble adding in to the Google Home app. It keeps searching for a Hue Bridge (which I don’t have of course).


04-23-2017 13:03:19.676	INFO	HA Bridge (v3.5.1) starting....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge
04-23-2017 13:03:19.876	INFO	reading from config file: /home/pi/habridge/data/habridge.config	com.bwssystems.HABridge.BridgeSettings
04-23-2017 13:03:20.450	WARN	Error reading the file: /home/pi/habridge/data/habridge.config - Does not exist or is not readable. continuing...	com.bwssystems.HABridge.BridgeSettings
04-23-2017 13:03:20.656	INFO	Adding as our default upnp config address.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.BridgeSettings
04-23-2017 13:03:20.659	INFO	HA Bridge initializing....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge
04-23-2017 13:03:20.928	INFO	System control service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.SystemControl
04-23-2017 13:03:23.089	WARN	Error reading the file: data/device.db - Does not exist or is not readable. continuing...	com.bwssystems.HABridge.dao.DeviceRepository
04-23-2017 13:03:23.093	INFO	HABridge device management service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.devicemanagmeent.DeviceResource
04-23-2017 13:03:23.224	INFO	Hue description service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpSettingsResource
04-23-2017 13:03:23.249	INFO	Initializing UDP response Seocket...	com.bwssystems.util.UDPDatagramSender
04-23-2017 13:03:23.337	INFO	UDP response Seocket initialized to: 50000	com.bwssystems.util.UDPDatagramSender
04-23-2017 13:03:24.356	INFO	== Spark has ignited ...	spark.webserver.JettySparkServer
04-23-2017 13:03:24.394	INFO	>> Listening on	spark.webserver.JettySparkServer
04-23-2017 13:13:26.201	INFO	Hue emulator service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator
04-23-2017 13:13:26.264	INFO	UPNP Discovery Listener starting....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener
04-23-2017 13:13:26.272	INFO	UPNP Discovery Listener running and ready....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener
04-23-2017 13:16:34.019	WARN	Issue getting directory listing for backups in directory: data	com.bwssystems.util.BackupHandler
04-23-2017 13:19:43.795	INFO	UPNP Discovery Listener - ended, restart found	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener
04-23-2017 13:19:43.796	INFO	HA Bridge (v3.5.1) reinitialization requessted....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge
04-23-2017 13:19:43.881	INFO	>>> Spark shutting down ...	spark.webserver.JettySparkServer
04-23-2017 13:19:43.911	INFO	done	spark.webserver.JettySparkServer
04-23-2017 13:19:43.912	INFO	reading from config file: /home/pi/habridge/data/habridge.config	com.bwssystems.HABridge.BridgeSettings
04-23-2017 13:19:43.925	INFO	HA Bridge initializing....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge
04-23-2017 13:19:43.929	INFO	System control service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.SystemControl
04-23-2017 13:19:43.933	INFO	== Spark has ignited ...	spark.webserver.JettySparkServer
04-23-2017 13:19:43.933	WARN	Error reading the file: data/device.db - Does not exist or is not readable. continuing...	com.bwssystems.HABridge.dao.DeviceRepository
04-23-2017 13:19:43.934	INFO	>> Listening on	spark.webserver.JettySparkServer
04-23-2017 13:19:43.934	INFO	HABridge device management service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.devicemanagmeent.DeviceResource
04-23-2017 13:19:43.940	INFO	Hue description service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpSettingsResource
04-23-2017 13:19:43.941	INFO	Initializing UDP response Seocket...	com.bwssystems.util.UDPDatagramSender
04-23-2017 13:19:43.943	INFO	UDP response Seocket initialized to: 50000	com.bwssystems.util.UDPDatagramSender
04-23-2017 13:19:43.983	INFO	Hue emulator service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator
04-23-2017 13:19:43.986	INFO	UPNP Discovery Listener starting....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener
04-23-2017 13:19:43.989	INFO	UPNP Discovery Listener running and ready....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener

Looks like it can’t read the device.db for some reason.

P.S. I followed the starting post to the letter so this means I’m running 3.5.1 I suppose?

Google Home support wasn’t added until later. I’d try an updated version.

I usually change the name of the file ha-bridge-3.5.1.jar to just ha-bridge.jar and the corresponding line in the systemd auto start file (habridge.service) to be

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar -Dconfig.file=/home/pi/habridge/data/habridge.config /home/pi/habridge/ha-bridge.jar

Then each time I upgrade I don’t need to edit the habridge.service file, I just download the new jar from

Releases · bwssytems/ha-bridge · GitHub ( Currently ha-bridge-4.5.0.jar )

and rename for example ha-bridge-4.5.0.jar to ha-bridge.jar and copy/replace the existing file in your install directory, probably /home/pi/habridge/.

If you update there is now a spot to add the hass configuration to the various bridges and you will get a tab to auto build your various devices. I don’t have it installed currently so I can’t check exactly where that is or take screen shots for you.

@BarryHampants Thanks. In the meantime I allready upgraded to 4.5.0 and rebooting my PI as we speak :smile:

One day I will learn to type… well, type faster anyway.

No problem mate, thanks for helping me out!

I’m having trouble adding my Hass instance:

04-23-2017 14:28:00.915	INFO	HA Bridge (v4.5.0) starting....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge
04-23-2017 14:28:01.248	INFO	reading from config file: /home/pi/habridge/data/habridge.config	com.bwssystems.HABridge.BridgeSettings
04-23-2017 14:28:15.995	INFO	HA Bridge initializing....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge
04-23-2017 14:28:16.081	INFO	System control service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.SystemControl
04-23-2017 14:28:16.209	INFO	Initializing UDP response Socket...	com.bwssystems.HABridge.util.UDPDatagramSender
04-23-2017 14:28:16.248	INFO	UDP response Seocket initialized to: 50000	com.bwssystems.HABridge.util.UDPDatagramSender
04-23-2017 14:28:16.264	INFO	Harmony Home created. No Harmony devices configured.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.harmony.HarmonyHome
04-23-2017 14:28:16.277	INFO	Nest Home created.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.NestBridge.NestHome
04-23-2017 14:28:16.362	INFO	Starting Nest login...	com.bwssystems.nest.controller.NestSession
04-23-2017 14:28:16.715	INFO	== Spark has ignited ...	spark.webserver.JettySparkServer
04-23-2017 14:28:16.728	INFO	>> Listening on	spark.webserver.JettySparkServer
04-23-2017 14:28:19.710	INFO	Completed Nest login...	com.bwssystems.nest.controller.NestSession
04-23-2017 14:28:20.731	INFO	Hue passthru Home created. No Hue passtrhu systems configured.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hue.HueHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.736	INFO	HAL Home created. No HAL devices configured.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hal.HalHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.743	INFO	MQTT Home created. No MQTT Clients configured.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.mqtt.MQTTHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.749	INFO	HomeAssistant Home created.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HassHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.785	INFO	Command Home for system program execution created.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.exec.CommandHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.810	INFO	Http Home created.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.http.HTTPHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.816	INFO	TCP Home created.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.tcp.TCPHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.821	INFO	UDP Home created.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.udp.UDPHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.826	INFO	Vera Home created. No Veras configured.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.vera.VeraHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.833	INFO	Domoticz Home created. No Domoticz devices configured.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.domoticz.DomoticzHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.839	INFO	Somfy Home created. No Somfys configured.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.somfy.SomfyHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.849	INFO	LifxDevice Home created. No LifxDevices configured.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.lifx.LifxHome
04-23-2017 14:28:20.901	INFO	HABridge device management service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.devicemanagmeent.DeviceResource
04-23-2017 14:28:21.004	INFO	Hue description service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpSettingsResource
04-23-2017 14:28:21.038	INFO	Hue emulator service started....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator
04-23-2017 14:28:21.166	INFO	UPNP Discovery Listener starting....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener
04-23-2017 14:28:21.172	INFO	UPNP Discovery Listener running and ready....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener
04-23-2017 14:29:14.029	INFO	Link button pressed....	com.bwssystems.HABridge.SystemControl

Both Nest and Home Assistant tabs are empty. Still can’t add Hue in the Google Home app (not finding the bridge).

Running HASS on the same PI as the HA-Bridge so this should be correct right? I also tried with password (which shouldn’t be neccesary because i’m on the trusted network).


04-23-2017 14:31:51.776	WARN	Error calling out to HA gateway: IOException in log	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.http.HTTPHandler
04-23-2017 14:31:51.779	WARN	Cannot get an devices for HomeAssistant Home Assistant http call failed.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HomeAssistant
04-23-2017 14:31:51.780	WARN	Cannot get devices for HomeAssistant with name: Home Assistant, skipping this Hass.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HassHome
04-23-2017 14:31:53.062	WARN	Error calling out to HA gateway: IOException in log	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.http.HTTPHandler
04-23-2017 14:31:53.064	WARN	Cannot get an devices for HomeAssistant Home Assistant http call failed.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HomeAssistant
04-23-2017 14:31:53.065	WARN	Cannot get devices for HomeAssistant with name: Home Assistant, skipping this Hass.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HassHome
04-23-2017 14:41:30.649	WARN	Error calling out to HA gateway: IOException in log	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.http.HTTPHandler
04-23-2017 14:41:30.651	WARN	Cannot get an devices for HomeAssistant Home Assistant http call failed.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HomeAssistant
04-23-2017 14:41:30.652	WARN	Cannot get devices for HomeAssistant with name: Home Assistant, skipping this Hass.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HassHome
04-23-2017 14:41:53.785	WARN	Error calling out to HA gateway: IOException in log	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.http.HTTPHandler
04-23-2017 14:41:53.787	WARN	Cannot get an devices for HomeAssistant Home Assistant http call failed.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HomeAssistant
04-23-2017 14:41:53.787	WARN	Cannot get devices for HomeAssistant with name: Home Assistant, skipping this Hass.	com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HassHome