I have about 25 Tasmota flashed plugs from various brands, including these 3 outdoor plugs:
All plugs exept these 3 outdoor plugs are offering me energy monitoring sensors. Is this a missing hardware capability or is the template wrong?
I have about 25 Tasmota flashed plugs from various brands, including these 3 outdoor plugs:
All plugs exept these 3 outdoor plugs are offering me energy monitoring sensors. Is this a missing hardware capability or is the template wrong?
From what I can learn, there is no hardware for doing this in this device. To do energy monitor, you would need additional hardware.
Well I mean this monioring, which all my device offer, but not the Albohes PC-1606
One of my other devices:
The Albohes device:
I can see that the other device is Gosund P1 which has CSE7766 chip that can monitor power usage. This is connected to GPIO01 and GPIO03 of the ESP which is shown in template page. The power monitoring will only show in tasmota UI if you have assigned any power monitoring devices to GPIOs in the module configuration
But in case Albohes there is no such chip or device. So in module configuration no such device has been assigned to any GPIOs, without which there wont be any power monitoring components in UI. The template is correct.
Thank you