Generate fake RF codes for Dooya curtains motors

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I have a quick question: does anyone here know a tool to generate “fake” Dooya remote RF codes for curtains? I have a few motors without controllers and need to set them up using Home Assistant and Bradlink RF remote. I’m looking for a way to generate Up, Down, Stop and the “Set” button for setting up the curtain limits. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!

The RFXusb-RFX433 can be used to control many blinds motors including Dooya.

Hello, thanks for the reply.

I believe this solution is great when you have the original remote/codes so you can copy them and replicate using their RF box, right?

The problem is that I can’t find my remotes, I think I lost them while moving from houses. What I need is to generate or create some new codes so I can use it with my own RF transceiver, the broadlink RM PRO.

Thank you.

No need to use the remote. You can pair the motor using the RFXCOM.
This can be done using a command in Home Assistant or using the RFXCOM RFXmngr program.
Select a random ID and unit code (in this case ID 11 22 33 4 Unit 1)

8-8-2023 04:33:17:828= Blinds command: 09 19 06 06 11 22 33 41 03 00

Packettype = BLINDS1
subtype = T6 DC106
Sequence nbr = 6
id1-4 = 1122334 decimal:17965876
Unit = 1
Command = Confirm/Pair
Signal level = +10 dBm

Blinds command: 09 19 06 00 11 22 33 41 00 00 Command = Open
Blinds command: 09 19 06 00 11 22 33 41 01 00 Command = Close
Blinds command: 09 19 06 00 11 22 33 41 02 00 Command = Stop
Blinds command: 09 19 06 00 11 22 33 41 03 00 Command = Confirm/Pair
Blinds command: 09 19 06 00 11 22 33 41 04 00 Command = Intermediate position

ID=11 22 33 4 Unit=1
Command Open=00, Close=01, Stop=02, Pair=03, Int pos=04

Enter the command in Home Assistant without spaces, Open=09190600112233410000

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Hi again! I appreciate your help.

I installed the software, but I don’t have an RF box from them, so I couldn’t test it much…

I’m not sure if you know about the broadlink RF protocol, but I think it’s different from the ones in this app. Here’s a link to some documentation: python-broadlink/ at master · mjg59/python-broadlink (

I used this project before to make simple RF codes, but I couldn’t figure out how to make buttons for curtains: Broadlink RM Random Code Generator (

Do you think it’s possible to make those codes with the info you gave me last time, by changing the ID and manually making valid broadlink RF codes?

I also have this saved, since broadlink uses base64 codes, this might come in hand: Hex to base64 converter (

Thanks a lot for your time and attention.

The information above is only valid for the RFX433 device.

Yes, all motors I have are 433mhz frequency.