I’ve had a good night reminder script for a while (that spins up when we say ‘bedtime’ to google, alexa or just put the house in ‘night’ mode), but I just enhanced it using Generative AI to spice things up a bit. Would love to see what else folks have HA remind them to do before they go to bed. This is using the ‘variables+history’ HACS integration that is fantasic for composing long messages and storing AI responses in. I also have my own custom notifier that distributes the message (under certain conditions) to displays, TTS devices and phone notifications, but that’s a post for another day…
alias: .say unavailable sensors and opened doors and sump pump
- service: variable.update_sensor
metadata: {}
replace_attributes: true
message: >-
Good night.
It is currently {{state_attr('weather.chezaggar','temperature')}}
degrees outside and {{states('weather.chezaggar')}}. Tonight, expect
Before you head up to bed, please
{%-if states('input_text.window_and_door_check') != '' %}
Check that the {{states('input_text.window_and_door_check')}} are locked.
{%-if states('sensor.24_hour_sump_pump_watts') | float < 100 and
states('sensor.24_hour_precipitation') | float > 0.5 and
states('sensor.sump_pump_monitor') != '' %}
{%-if states('input_boolean.guests_in_basement') == 'on' and (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.light.basement_bedroom_lights.last_changed)) /60 > 300 %}
Consider turning off the "Guests in Basement" switch as the basement bedroom lights have not been on in the last 5 hours.
{%-if states('sensor.maggar_surfacelaptop_sessionstate') == 'Unlocked' %}
Mark's office PC is still on. Please check it.
{%-if states('sensor.sensors_unavailable') != '' %}
The following sensors might be offline and need checking: {{ states('sensor.sensors_unavailable') }}.
{%-if states('binary_sensor.workday_tomorrow') == 'on' and states('input_boolean.pretenditsweekend') == 'off' and states('binary_sensor.liam_laptop_charging') == "off" and states('person.liam') == 'home' %}
It doesn't seem like Liam's laptop is plugged in. Please make sure it is charging!
{%-if states('vacuum.roborock_q_revo') != 'docked' and states('vacuum.roborock_q_revo') != 'cleaning' %}
The main floor Roborock is not docked or responsive. Please check it.
Clear the main floor of obstacles and ensure the roborock water tanks are good to go so the floor will be clean in the morning.
value: "{{now()}}"
entity_id: sensor.goodnight_message
- service: google_generative_ai_conversation.generate_content
metadata: {}
prompt: >-
Take the following text and summarize it in the style of a caring and
trustworthy person with a direct manner. Do not include emojis or hash
tags in your response.
response_variable: ai_response
continue_on_error: true
- service: variable.update_sensor
metadata: {}
replace_attributes: false
response: "{{ai_response['text']}}"
value: "{{now()}}"
entity_id: sensor.goodnight_message
continue_on_error: true
- event: UNotify
message: |-
{% if state_attr('sensor.goodnight_message','response') != none %}
Note that Google Generative AI was not available for this message.
message_speak: "yes"
message_speak_target: kitchen
tag: goodnight
mode: single