Generic camera lagging real-time / buffering? Shows 0:41/0:45 for example


I’m puzzled by the behaviour of ‘generic camera’ with my IP cameras. I’ve pointed it to the low-res second stream, which is only 640x480@12fps, h.264, so pretty light on processing, but when I open a camera, it behaves as if I’m playing from a recording or buffered stream, with ‘0:41/0:45’ or similar showing at the bottom - it knows it’s 3~6 seconds behind real time and if I drag the slider to the right, it will catch up closer to real-time. This is a bit bizarre; I just need it to play the real-time stream, no lag and no requirement to rewind or anything else (I have a NVR for that).

Is there something that I need to do, to tell generic camera to just stream what’s sent by the camera, keep up with real time and not muck about?


Cameras always lag but never understood why

I think go2rtc may improve this.

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