Generic hygrostat min_cycle_duration is not respected

The generic hygrostat helper has a configurable min_cycle_duration property.
I created a generic hygrostat (in dehumidifier mode) with the min_cycle_duration set to ten minutes.

The documentation explains: “Set a minimum amount of time that the switch specified in the humidifier option must be in its current state prior to being switched either off or on.”

My understanding of this is that when the dehumidifier is turned on, it should stay on for at least ten minutes, even if the humidity reaches the target value before ten minutes have elapsed.

It appears this isn’t the case. When my dehumidifier is turned on, it is turned off automatically less than a minute after it is turned on.

Examining the history/logbook for the switch itself, I see this when it is switched off:

Dehumidifier plug turned off triggered by service Home Assistant Core Integration: Generic turn off
7:37:19 AM - 8 hours ago

…I’m assuming that’s the hygrostat doing its thing and not some other automation. Indeed, I searched all automations (using the device filter) and confirmed that there are no automations that would turn off the dehumidifier, so I know it’s not one of my automations.

Am I doing something incorrectly?


Bump. I have to post at least ten characters or the forum won’t allow me to comment, so… here’s some more text.