Generic Hygrostat not responding to changes

Hi everyone! I have a generic hygrostat setup (default ha one) in yaml and after a while it won’t respond to on/off comands and humidity setpoint change from the frontend or an automation or script… The only way to make changes is to restart ha then do the changes, that way it registers the change. The actual functionality of the hygrostat works fine, if the % of humidity is reached, the dehumidifier (smart plug in this case) turns on until treshold is reached, then turns off following all tolerances set in yaml, it’s just that i cannot set humidity % setpoint, nor turn it on or off… It is setup as dehumidifier class following official documentation.

This is important since it’s setup to dehumidify the basement (not heated) and i frequently change the humidity setpoint depending on wether i’m home or not, or if i temporarely store some stuff there like some winter clothes during summer

Does anyone faced this issue? Yaml config is below:
EDIT: i do not use the away mode if that is of concern

  - name: Basement
    humidifier: switch.basement_dehumidifier
    target_sensor: sensor.basement_humidity
    min_humidity: 45
    max_humidity: 75
    target_humidity: 65
    dry_tolerance: 3
    wet_tolerance: 3
    device_class: "dehumidifier"
      seconds: 5
      minutes: 3
    initial_state: true
    away_humidity: 65
    away_fixed: True
    sensor_stale_duration: 00:15:00