Generic hygrostat, stuck in idle not going into drying mode

Hi, I have defined a Generic hygrostat configured as a dehumidifier device. Unfortunately in many cases the device is not turned on when the humidity (71.99%) is above the target (60%) + Wet tolerance (10%).

For example the Generic hygrostat is on, but already idle since last night. While the humidity is above 70%.

Setup Generic hygrostat:
Device class: dehumidifier
Humidity Sensor: sensor.guest_climate_sensor_humidity (Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensor)
Switch: switch.meaco_dd8l_ion_power (MOES Zigbee Fingerbot Plus)
Dry tolerance: 0.5%
Wet tolerance: 10%
Minimum cycle duration: 1h

The switch is currently in the Off state. And the humidity is updated frequently, multiple times per hour.

I have one automation that is changing the target humidity: 60% if electricity is cheap and 75% when expensive.

I’m not sure what is going on, how to debug and what to test atm.

Hope to get some input.

Running HA on docker, current version: 2024.9.0

8 AM: an example of the automation setting the target to 75% of expensive electricity
9AM-10AM: me blowing into the sensor to get the humidity up for testing

All this time the Generic hygrostat reports idle

Another scenario…

I have changed the settings to:
Dry tolerance: 10%
Wet tolerance: 1%
Minimum cycle duration: 15min

It turned on, but not off after reaching the target. It turned on 27 min ago, and 4 min ago the latest measurement from the humidity sensor was received. Taken into account the 15min cycle duration, I would expect it should have turned itself off…