Generic ip camera problem

Im trying to setup my ip camera from a random chinese brand but it gives me an error this is what i use :

  - platform: generic
    name: indoor camera
    stream_source: rtsp://

  service: camera.record
    entity_id: camera.quintal
    filename: '/config/www/my_stream.mp4'
    duration: 30

but it gives me: Integration not found: action (I havent put any credentials cause this is an ip camera that sets up from an apk and the only credentials it has its for the apk so no credentials to put , also i dont have a ‘www’ folder

You probably need to test you generic camera from VLC if it plays from that address. Then it may play within HA.
I also have unbranded IPcams, they play in RTPM mode, I can’t find the rtp address for them, not enough documentations.

You can only use the action block in an automation.

alias: 'Record Camera'
  platform: state
  entity_id: binary_sensor.your_sensor_here
  to: 'on'
  service: camera.record
    entity_id: camera.quintal
    filename: '/config/www/my_stream.mp4'
    duration: 30

Make it yourself. Then restart home assistant.

You should create under config, but you should write /local in the configuration,yaml

This is incorrect. Use /local for URLs only, not file paths.

This is good to add to my lack of knowledge about HA :wink:

im a noob with camera but do credentials play any role in that? what is rtpm ? and how do i get a card to see live feed,cause it gives me only the idle message?

I got the camera info from the page that I accessed the IPcam.

Figure that you might go directly (or via the router) to the camera IP. Then I analyzed the page which displays the stream, so I could find a way to play the stream without the browser (I’m using Firefox).

The replay is done with the rtmp protocol. This is what I know about my IPcams. There might be other addresses that will allow me to play the rtp protocol, but this is what I couldn’t discover.

As I found the way to play the stream on VLC, I could get it working on HA, but using the FFmpeg platform creates lot of system lags and timeouts. So I temporary fixed to give a second page on Lovelace UI.

big problem for me is that I dont have any credentials for the cameras other than the apk ones they are plug and play not even a password needed as if you dont have the apk and the pass they dont work and I dont know what to do the brand is CVMORE

I regret to say that you need some reverse engineering on sniffing packets over the network to find what are the data the apk tells to the IPcam.
That’s the price to add for cheaper eastern products :crying_cat_face:, which commonly don’t provide a documentation even on their mother language. And I’m in the same boat as yours :stuck_out_tongue:

well I dont blame ya you tried to help but I blame the company for not telling or creating a pc program to connect the cameras