I’m using generic thermostat (with Sonoff Mini) to control the temperature.
My config looks like this:
- platform: generic_thermostat
name: Zentralheizung
heater: switch.main_heater_relay
target_sensor: sensor.motion_lf_livingroom_temperature
# target_temp: 23
seconds: 900
cold_tolerance: 0.5
away_temp: 18
hot_tolerance: 0.3
precision: 0.1
I had to comment out the target_temp as it sometimes overwrote my automation.
The automation sets a target_temp at a specific time and also sets the preset mode to home and none (when not at home).
After I commented out the target temp in the config, the thermostat didn’t switch to away_temp which it did when I had a target temp set in the climate config.
Is this really necessary?
I just want the target temp set by the automation and also only at specific times (not from - to) so I can still edit these manually in the UI.