Generic Thermostat copy taget_temp

Hi all
I have a generic thermostat that is pointing to my IHC sensor, I would like to make a automation where I copy the target temperatur of my generic thermostat to my IHC setpoint, is there any way to do this or is it not supported?
I am trying to run the following automation.

 alias: Badtemp1
 - platform: event
   event_type: state_changed
    entity_id: climate.bad
 - alias: CopyTemperatur
   service: ihc.set_runtime_value_float
    ihc_id: 25743380
    value: "{{ states.climate.bad.attributes.target_temp |float }}"

But i am getting the following error
‘mappingproxy object’ has no attribute ‘target_temp’

is ther anyway to this?