Generic Thermostat & Hama 00176593 & Zigbee2Mqtt do not work - need help!

I have several Thermostatic radiator Hama 00176593 Thermostat in use and integrated them with Zigbee2Mqtt.


Status display works, but MQTT messages are only published if I change settings in the dashboard or set the temperature with script

  alias: Heizungsthermostate einstellen
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_bad') | float }}"
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-office/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_office') | float }}"
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-wc/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_wc') | float }}"
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-wohnzimmer1/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_wohnzimmer1') | float }}"
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-wohnzimmer2/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_wohnzimmer2') | float }}"
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-kitchen/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_kitchen') | float }}"
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-kindenzimmer1/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_kindenzimmer1') | float }}"
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-kinderzimmer2/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_kindenzimmer2') | float }}"
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-schlafzimmer/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_schlafzimmer') | float }}"
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-fitnessraum/set/current_heating_setpoint
        payload_template: "{{ states('input_number.thermostat_fitnessraum') | float }}"

The control takes place via Lovelace thermostat. Inital, when I restart home assistant, then the temperature is set for all thermostats via the script.

- platform: "mqtt"
  name: Thermostat Bad
  temperature_unit: "C"
  initial: 25.00
  temp_step: 0.5
  min_temp: "5"
  max_temp: "30"
  json_attributes_topic: conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad
  temperature_command_topic: "conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad/set/current_heating_setpoint"
  availability_topic: "conbee2mqtt/bridge/state"
  current_temperature_topic: "conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad"
  current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json.local_temperature }}"
  temperature_state_topic: "conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad"
  temperature_state_template: "{{ value_json.current_heating_setpoint }}"
  mode_state_topic: "conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad"
  mode_state_template: "{{ value_json.system_mode }}"
  mode_command_topic: "conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad/set/system_mode"
    - "off"
    - "heat"
    - "auto"
  action_topic: "conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad/set/system_mode"
  action_template: "{% set values = {'idle':'off','heat':'heating','auto':'auto'} %}{{ values[value_json.running_state] }}"
  away_mode_command_topic: "conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad/set/value_json.away_mode"
  away_mode_state_topic: "conbee2mqtt/thermostat-bad"
  away_mode_state_template: "{{ value_json.away_mode }}"
  payload_on: "true"
  payload_off: "false"
  retain: true

After a certainTime, however, this is always reset to 16 degrees.


Zigbee2MQTT Version
1.21.2-dev commit: 839e2801
Coordinator Typ:  ConBee2/RaspBee2
Coordinator Version:  0x26660700
Frontend Version: 0.6.12


System Health

version core-2021.10.5
installation_type Home Assistant Core
dev false
hassio false
docker false
user homeassistant
virtualenv true
python_version 3.8.10
os_name Linux
os_version 5.8.0-63-generic
arch x86_64
timezone Europe/Vaduz
GitHub API ok
Github API Calls Remaining 4681
Installed Version 1.15.2
Stage running
Available Repositories 961
Installed Repositories 56

Does anyone know any solution to this problem?
Is it due to the Zigbee2MQTT or the Homeassistant configuration?

Is there a reason why you are using MQTT rather than the climate entity?

Because with Zigbee2MQTT i can only use MQTT. I haven’t found any other solution to integrate the Hama 00176593 thermostat.

Why don’t you use the auto-discovery Zigbee2mqtt provides ? Works great with my TRV.

Thanks for the tip, but I have over 50 Zigbee devices in use and if I switch on auto-discovery Zigbee2mqtt, then all of them will be delivered and I would have to convert a large number of automations. …

A QAD method would be if I simply set the target temperature every 10 minutes via an automation.

# ## #############################################
# ## AUTOMATION: Update hama thermostat
# ## #############################################
- id: update_hama
  alias: 'Zigbee Thermostat Updates'
  initial_state: true 
  # set the current current_heating_setpoint to the default values
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: "/10"
    # all thermostat to default current_heating_setpoint
    - service: script.init_climate_thermostat

Nevertheless, the question arises for me, who always sets the target temperature to 16 ° C after a certain time?

Could it be because of the presets ?

Why not use Home Assistant. It has climate support.

I have now set the mode to “heat” and now everything works fine. The target temperature is only set to 16 ° C after a certain time if the mode is set to “auto”.

There is no difference if I have the sensors over

   - platform: "mqtt"

or via auto-discovery Zigbee2mqtt

After a long search I found the information in the Hama manual. it looks like this If the “AUTO” mode is selected, the thermostat is set to the “Outward” mode!

    - "off"
    - "heat"
    - "auto"

** Modes auto = Outward mode !!!

If this mode is active, the set temperature is automatically dialled down to 16°**

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Hi @petsie
I wonder how you actually connected the two radiators with zigbee2mqtt. Have you hacked the original Hama controller / hub or used another zigbee controller?
I have bought the radiator set recently and appreciate any help here to integrate it into home assistant
Thanks a lot!

Using Zigbee2Mqtt is working.
In order to use Zigbee2MQTT we need the following hardware:

  1. A Zigbee Adapter** which is the interface between the Computer (or Server) where you run Zigbee2MQTT and the Zigbee radio communication and than you can add the devices.

see: Getting started | Zigbee2MQTT

Hi there,
Thank you for your answer. I understood that I need the zigbee2mqtt and a zigbee hub / controller / adapter. Maybe I have not asked clearly enough. My actual question was:

Did you use the included Hama hub as the zigbee controller / adapter? If so, did you flash it / hack it? Or did you just buy another one and the radiators are working also without the original Hama hub?

I mean the following: image


Negativ i do not use Hama hub as the zigbee controller, because i have over 50 Zigbee Devices.

I teste more than one:

  • ConBee II
  • CC2531 ZigBee USB-Sick zigbee2mqtt
  • Zigbee Gateway SONOFF ZBBridge

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@petsie As your question was not answered (and i am assuming that others may be interested into it too):

auto mode is not the outward mode. It is the programming mode, in which the thermostat is using its programmed schedule to activate the setpoints.

In programming mode there are 4 setpoints for each day of the week. Time and temperature for this setpoints can be programmed individually in the thermostat when using the tuya-app.
The default-temperature for each setpoint is 16°C.

Up to know i was not able to figure out how to program (or just read out) the setpoints in home assistant (i am new to home assistant).

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I also have this TVR from Hama, I use it with the Conbee II.
Now this TVR is doing quite well so far, as long as I set it with a temperature manually or via the scheduler.
What doesn’t work are the default settings, e.g. ECO, Comfort etc… nothing happens there