Generic_thermostat like climate device bound to another climate device advice required

Hi all,

I have a room where I have temperature measurements and an infrared panel that I would like to be able to bind to my main house temperature through my main climate device.

For example (this of course is not working since generic_thermostat does not support template values)

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: Bedroom Climate
  heater: switch.bedroom_panel_switch
  target_sensor: sensor.bedroom_average_temperature
    value_template: {{ (states.climate.toon_van_eneco.attributes.temperature | float) - 0.5 }}
    value_template: {{ (states.climate.toon_van_eneco.attributes.temperature | float) + 0.5 }}
  ac_mode: False
    value_template: {{ (states.climate.toon_van_eneco.attributes.temperature | float) }}
  cold_tolerance: 0.3
  hot_tolerance: 0
    seconds: 60
  #  minutes: 3
  initial_operation_mode: "off"
  #away_temp: 16 

something like this would be ideal so whenever I change the value of my main climate device the generic thermostat responds accordingly. I hope what I am trying to achieve is clear and somebody has some idea on how I could go about implementing this.

Can you not write an automation to set the temperatures of the generic thermostat on state change of states.climate.toon_van_eneco.attributes.temperature? Id probably run an automation on HA start too just so that they are synced on a reboot.

Could you please elaborate a bit on your suggestion? How could I change the temperature of the generic thermostat since the thermostat uses hard coded values?

It doesn’t use hard coded values, the temperatures in its config are it’s initial states, they can be changed through an automation, check out the docs for the climate component, specifically climate.set_temperature.

Thanks, that actually makes sense, don’t know why I didn’t get that :slight_smile: Will try right away.


Could tou share your code orsolution as template? I am currently facing the same challenge but as the answer in this conversation did not move me forward - a bit new to all of this…