Hi all,
I have a room where I have temperature measurements and an infrared panel that I would like to be able to bind to my main house temperature through my main climate device.
For example (this of course is not working since generic_thermostat does not support template values)
- platform: generic_thermostat
name: Bedroom Climate
heater: switch.bedroom_panel_switch
target_sensor: sensor.bedroom_average_temperature
value_template: {{ (states.climate.toon_van_eneco.attributes.temperature | float) - 0.5 }}
value_template: {{ (states.climate.toon_van_eneco.attributes.temperature | float) + 0.5 }}
ac_mode: False
value_template: {{ (states.climate.toon_van_eneco.attributes.temperature | float) }}
cold_tolerance: 0.3
hot_tolerance: 0
seconds: 60
# minutes: 3
initial_operation_mode: "off"
#away_temp: 16
something like this would be ideal so whenever I change the value of my main climate device the generic thermostat responds accordingly. I hope what I am trying to achieve is clear and somebody has some idea on how I could go about implementing this.