Generic Thermostat: Read and Write Preset Temperature Values

Hello, I am using a generic thermostat helper to control my AC from a remote temperature sensor. I created this in the UI and works just fine.

Previously, I was using a set of input number helpers for my home/away/sleep presets. Since the generic thermostat supports presets, I would like to use those in my automations. This would let me call the preset service instead of calling set temperature with a yaml template to the input number.

The catch is that there does not appear to be any way to read from or write to these preset values from a template or automation. So, I can’t have dashboard controls to set the presets nor do handy things like calculating the energy required to cool to the ‘Home’ preset in the last bit of surplus solar energy, or use an automation to shift presets based on exterior temperature (radiative gains and losses from windows and walls have a surprisingly large effect on comfort).

Is there a way to read or write the preset temperatures that I’m not aware of?