Generic Thermostat that works if HA goes offline?

Is there a ESPhome thermostat program that works offline from HA?

I would hate to kill my AC compressor running nonstop if HA dies and never shuts it off like with the current method “Generic Thermostat”

ESP8266 running ESPhome with at lease the PID program running safe from HA crashing would be sweet!

You could possibly use a Dallas thermometer and an IR sender to control it.
Not sure if there are any better alternatives

I may have found someone that has done it.

One of the reply comments mention that it works when offline also. :slight_smile:

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Any of these will do if you are not include a dependency from ha (un)intentionally:

ESPHome Climate Components

What does this mean?

Any of these will do if you are not include a dependency from ha (un)intentionally:”