Generic thermostat value to Node-RED

I’m using the thermostat generic helper in Home Assistant and trying to integrate it into Node-RED.
The states “Off” and “Heating” are working fine, but I’m unable to get the temperature values to show in Node-RED.

Does anyone know how to retrieve the set temperature or current temperature values from the thermostat helper in Home Assistant to use in Node-RED?

I’m new to Home Assistant and currently in the process of migrating everything from Domoticz.

A thermostat is a climate entity. All climate entities have a shared set of actions. The action to set temperature is climate.set_temperature.

Thanks for your respond!

How to do that? It’s new for me…

Could you explain a little further what you are trying to accomplish? In general the way you interact with an entity is to use the action node.

There are also some example flows here. They can be imported into your instance of NR to get a general example of an automation flow.

I want the temperature value to node red. I do recieve off and on in nodered, but for the rest nothing.
With this value form the generic thermostate, i am controlling a heather.
This is how i do it in domoticz, i am transfering to Home assistant.

In node red i recieve the on and off with a state node

The whole idea of the generic thermostat is that it controls the heater by itself.
You have misunderstood it completely.
How did you set up the generic thermostat, and what is the heater you added to the generic thermostat, and is this the same heater you are trying to control in Node red?

In Node-RED, I have a Tuya connection with the heater, which is how it works in Domoticz. In Domoticz, I handled all the automation in Node-RED.
But maybe you’re completely right; I’m new to this and see that some things work differently!
Maybe better intergrate tuya in Home assistant?

If it’s tuya wifi then I would not recommend it at all but if anything then integrate it in HA.
Node red is just a slave to HA.

It is wifi, works nice in Nodered. So sending a value with a generic thermostat to nodered is not possible? Just to understand what is possible.

It is possible. Your using it the wrong way.
All that you are doing now will at some point have to be undone and redone the correct way.

I think you will be much better off doing it correctly from start.

But yes it’s possible.

And regarding the issues with Tuya it’s because of how Tuya built the integration and provides the API.
They have more than once been unfriendly to its users, and we are at the mercy of their kindness

Thanks! I will setup the tuya then in home assistent.

When everything is in HA the generic thermostat will turn on/off the heater to maintain the set temperature by itself

Thanks for your support!