I have been reading many posts about geocode location and device tracker to make mine work (without re-installing the app).
In my case “device tracker” only works if the geocode location is activated. As soon as I deactivate it, the tracker stops updating.
Is this behaviour normal? From what I read in other posts the two things should be independent. Any way to decouple them?
I did follow those steps, it was one of the first resources I found.
It is strange, I tested for days without success, device tracker was not working. I activated the geocode and everything started working.
This morning I deactivated the geocode location… And now the device tracker.
After you followed the steps what do the history logs that were mentioned look like?
I’ll let you know soon since I have to go through it once again… Device tracker stopped working this morning. I think this is due to android 15 update 
It is funny because android tells me home assistant access the location of my device, but the entity is not updated.
EDIT: it is not due to android update, I don’t know why it stopped working…