Issue #1 - IOS app sensors not being updated.
I had several integrations for an iphone and ipad and nuked everything yesterday (cleaned integrations, entity registry, storage-mobile_apps, core.restore_state, core.entity_registry, etc), deleted ios app from all devices, restarted ha, etc.(Running ha v0.93.2)
Reinstalled ios app v2.0b60 on iphone only. Integration was created, sensors created, etc. Was on internal network and have trusted_networks setup as an auth_provided but ewould only find ha through DuckDNS. Logged in with username/pw and connected.
All sensors set up initially but never updated after that. geocoded_location was ‘Unknown’, ssid was my internal network, lasttrigger_update was ‘Initial’.
Would do manual refresh and would get “[homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.1881832752] Connection closed by client” in log file.
I never had a “device_tracker.reallylong-uid” added as an entity like I did in the beginning (it was in storage/mobile_app file) and nothing was added to knows_devices.yaml. I don’t know if it should have been or if robbie and the guys have put the uid under the covers.
Is no device_tracker.reallylonguid missing a a problem or not?
Why don’t the sensors update?
Is the “connection closed by client” indicating the connection was never set up in the first place or is it an error that it is closed after updating?
If it is an error, how should it be corrected when I was just doing a plain install after cleaning everything up?
Issue #2 - Will never login through Internal network
How can I connect to HA using my internal network when I connect to it and use the external connection (DuckDNS) when away. I have trusted_networks set up as an auth_provider. When logging in via Chrome or Edge using the “http://hassio.local:8123” does nothing, using “https://hassio.local:8123” says I have a certificate error but will let me log through and https with DuckDNS connects.
The ios app looks like it only checks the “http://hassio.local:8123” internal connection and can not be changed.
Can I connect internally when I am using DuckDNS for an external connection?
If not, what am I doing wrong and how should I be connecting externally to provide a secure connection when away and connect internally using a known network?
(Caddy and a reverse proxy (which I know nothing about) has been suggested but I’m not sure where to go.)
Issue #3 - IOS App is dead, API Manager is unavailable
I tried logging out in the ios app to try using the trusted_network login that was displayed (long with legacy and secure). Couldn’t login so went with secure. Then started getting a “kcl…” error message (which is too long for the iphone screen and gets cut off so you do not know the error code). Now I am getting an “HA API Manager is unavailable” error message and a blank screen. Unloading the app and refreshing does the same thing.
Not sure what happened but something totally trashed the ios app.
Going into settings shows my name, zones, ha version, etc. Guess I have to nuke the pp and redownload it from TestFlight.