Geofency integration broken?


I’m a long term FHEM user and recently started to migrate to HA. Currently I’m working on connecting the IOS Geofency App to the HA Geofency integration, but I’m having trouble to get it working. I have this seemless working with FHEM sinces a couple of years.

Using the Geofency App with the link provided by the integration I get a timeout in the Geofency App and no new entity is created in HA.

Next I tried it with curl and the call returns “required key not provided” always - I haven’t found any indication what that refers to.

curl -X POST http://<ip>:8123/api/webhook/<hook-id>&date=<date>&wifiSSID=<ssid>&name=Home&wifiBSSID=<bssid>&longitude=<long>&id=<id-of-app>&latitude=<lat>&entry=1&device=<id-of-iphone>&radius=100&category=Monitored&address=<my-home-address>

I’ve replaced sensitive data in the call above with <data>.

Any hint on what might be missing or is the integration brocken?

Thanks Ralf

At least I managed to get it working with curl now - the call was wrong formatted.

curl --verbose -d "radius=100&date=<date>&address=<address>&entry=1&category=Monitored&name=<fence-name>&device=<device-id>&id=<fence-id>&longitude=<long>&latitude=<lat>"  http://<ip>:8123/api/webhook/<hook-id>

So, the Geofency integration seem to work, but the Geofency App may have an issue or my configuration of the app is wrong)…