Hi, I’m desperately trying to integrate my geolocations from findmysync into the HA. Unfortunately the API only delivers to http sites. I’ve already found information on different locations about the problem. But I can´t get the info I need. I don’t know exactly where to include the code I found in my exact case. What is probably necessary is an entry in Ngnix.config that should look like this:
location /api {
proxy_pass http://local.server.ip:8123/api;
proxy_set_header Content-Type application/json;
proxy_set_header Authorization "Bearer long-token";
or it should work like this:
location /api {
proxy_pass http://local.server.ip:8123/api;
proxy_set_header Content-Type application/json;
if ($http_authorization != "Bearer <long-tock>") {
return 401;
proxy_set_header Authorization $http_authorization;
proxy_pass_header Authorization;
For me the standard is:
active: false
default: nginx_proxy_default*.conf
servers: nginx_proxy/proxy/*.conf
I have no idea how and where I can get these api instructions into the config - I hope someone can help me. Thanks !