German (European?) embedded pattress/junction box 3D print template for ESPHome?

Hi everybody,

this is very specific, but I cannot be the only person that needs this, so perhaps somebody here has already done it.

Does anybody have any 3D printable files (ideally modifiable ones) to create, for example, a multi-switch with ESPHome that goes inside what I believe translates to embedded pattress/junction box?

I am talking about something like this, though I would use a dual box instead of a single one (single one is pictured)

Inside there would be the ESP32 (perhaps with external antenna for better wifi coverage?), and on the outside (where you would usually mount the attached switch or outlet), there would be a base plate that fits this type of box.

In my specific case, I would like to attach 8 momentary buttons, so the “shield” would/could be larger on the outside than the mere box, as long as it mounts to it.

Why? Currently, I use many Aqara Opple Zigbee switches around the house. They support single,double,tripple press and hold, and battery life is pretty good. But it is still battery life, so eventually you’ll have to replace them. However, no wires, so yay.

However, such an ESP would be powered right inside the junction box, so no battery changing.

I assume this wouldn’t be that hard to create, but I have never designed a printable 3D object, so if somebody else has already done it, it would be nice building on top of that :slight_smile:

Idk. if it would be up to code to power an ESP32 from inside these boxes here in Germany, but I could imagine as long as there is a 230V-to-12V converter in there, it should be fine…? But even if not, let’s say one would have to power it from an outlet, the outlet could be right underneath this box (when using a double or even triple junction box) and the ESP could still be hidden inside the wall…

Thanks in advance for your suggestions :slight_smile:


Hey, maybe this project can give you some ideas to start with
For power supply there should be some results when you google Unterputz Netzteil.
Another way is to solder the battery pins of the aqaras to the power supply directly.
Yet another one is something like this Moes ZTS-EU_4gang control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

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Awesome, thank you!

I currently have similar 4gangs to the ones you have linked; my “problem” with them is that they are meant to control the relays within the switches. While some work just fine if nothing is connected to the relays, others don’t seem to like it. For example, I’ll have button 00 actually connected to a ceiling light; switching this light works fine. But button 01 is not physically connected to anything; sometimes, pressing this button (thus triggering an action within Home Assistant without doing anything physically on the switch) works, sometimes it will not, other times it will even re-pair the switch to my z2m controller. Weird!

These buttons look awesome. Did you just find the post, or are you involved in this project? I would definitely be interesting in purchasing those.

Funny behaviour. Sadly I only saw this project on reddit and for more info you need to contact them directly or make something from the ground up.