Not sure if this should go here, but theres no generic discussion forum for it so… here goes
Has anyone thought about gesture based commands? I mean, with a simple webcam that has motion detection, and hand tracking of sorts? I dont really know how it works to be honest.
For example, I swipe my hand in front of a camera (like the old Jedi mind tricks) to the right, and it turns the lights on with automation rules. To the left and it turns them off again
Waving up/down - dims/brightens or volume /up/down on currently playing
You get the idea - so much potential
Yes, I’m currently on a project to reach this goal. Right now, I have the motion tracking and people detection worked out. My next step is to figure out how to integrate my code with HASS.
Phase II will be face detection and recognition. This is needed so that gestures can have some type of permissions.
Phase III will be gesture support. Conservative ETA for this phase would be 3rd quarter of this year.