I’m totalling at 820 records and growing in my record collection and sometimes that can make it hard to pick what to choose (the luxury of abundance I guess). So I set out to create a sensor which fetches a random record from my collection every hour.
Since I don’t know enough Python to comfortably create it as a new component I wrote a small Node.js cloud function and deployed it as an AWS Lambda using serverless:
My initial intention was to have 2 functions:
- one cloud function to fetch the random record data
- another function to invoke that lambda and return its result to a push_cam entity
Unfortunatly the images are excluded in Discogs’ API response for some reason and in the meantime I just set up a REST sensor to grab the record data and show it to me:
- platform: rest
icon: mdi:record-player
scan_interval: 1800
resource: !secret discogs_random_record_lambda
name: "Discogs Random Record"
- basic_information
value_template: "{{ value_json.record.basic_information.artists[0].name }} - {{ value_json.record.basic_information.title }}"