Get a sensor value on your Apple Watch

This would be a relatively straightforward custom component :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing! This is awesome!

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@badgerhome I’m very impressed with your Apple Watch code and seeing what is possible using sensor templates. I’m creating a more basic version for now as my HA setup isn’t as elegant at the moment, but it’s a great start so far thanks to your help!

Have you by any chance posted your HA config on GitHub as I’d love to see how you’ve set everything up?


Does anyone find that updates to the watch stop happening after a while, and then only reactive when you open the Pushover app on the iPhone? It seems the iOS app needs to be actively running in the background for them to work unfortunately.

Yes, I have the same experience some times.

  1. Is this still available? I don’t get value on apple watch but get {{ states.sensor.pushover_title_glance.state }} and so on no value. But there is value display from home assistant.
  2. Do we need to activate the notify pushover as well or don’t need as what I read it is glance api.

Thank you very much.

yes is still working

Do I need to use notify pushover platform? or just use the glance api?

In glance api (dashboard), On top has pushover and underneath has create application which one to use?

Furthermore, with the shell_command at the &percent={{ states.sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability.state }} <== I have error with the &percent said that only 0-100 is accepted. However, in dark sky it self show value with % (2 %) on HA frontend, How do we change this?

  pushover_glance: 'curl --data "token=token&user=user&title={{ states.sensor.pushover_title_glance.state }}&text={{ states.sensor.pushover_text_glance.state }}&subtext=Lights:{{ states.sensor.lights_on.state }} Door/Win:{{ states.sensor.doors_open.state }}&percent={{ states.sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability.state }}"'

Please kindly advice.

i think you need to create an application for your watch because you need the token for that aplication to send any data to glances

I have both user and token. also have registered and pay for IOS device. I did received the pushover message to apple watch (sometimes only) and the message to apple watch not the value display but the title {{ states.sensor.pushover_title_glance.state }} <== display the command instead of the value of the pushover_title_glance and also the text as {{ states.sensor.pushover_text_glance.state }} not the value.

i dont know about that i have some sensors like this

'curl --data "token=mytoken&user=myuser=K:{{ states.device_tracker.iphone.state }} A:{{ states.device_tracker.galaxy.state }}&count={{ states.sensor.lgphonebatt.state }}&text=L:{{ states.sensor.lights_on.state }} S:{{ states.sensor.switches_on.state }} A:{{ states.sensor.pollo.state }} J:{{ states.sensor.girl.state }}&subtext=H:{{ states.sensor.humidity_livingroom.state }} T:{{ states.sensor.temperature_livingroom.state }}°D:{{ states.sensor.door.state }}&percent={{ states.sensor.phonebatt.state }}"'

the K:home is my iphone home {{ states.device_tracker.iphone.state }}
the A:not_home is my wife {{ states.device_tracker.galaxy.state }}
the number 53 is my LG phone’s battery level &count={{ states.sensor.lgphonebatt.state }}
the circle is around number 53 is my tablet’s battery level &percent={{ states.sensor.phonebatt.state }}
the H: 42 is humidity {{ states.sensor.humidity_livingroom.state }} but is from my sensor
the T: 78° is temperature {{ states.sensor.temperature_livingroom.state }}° but from sensor not from dark sky
the L: 4 are my lights how many are on {{ states.sensor.lights_on.state }}
the S:2 are my switches how many are on {{ states.sensor.switches_on.state }}
the D:closed is my door {{ states.sensor.door.state }}
the A:h is my daughter home {{ states.sensor.pollo.state }}
the J: h is my other daughter home {{ states.sensor.girl.state }}

i hope this will help

Thank you very much. I will try again tonight.

by the way i use the dark sky sensor and it work on my configuration here is a picture

the circle is emptied i have 0% of raining today &percent={{ states.sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability.state }}

I get error on the &percent={{ states.sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability.state }}

mentioned that accept only 0-100

that is strange im sorry i can be more helpful

Thank you very much for your help. I will try again tonight ^^

Mine show differently,
this is my shell command
‘curl --data “token=mytoken&user=myuser&title=S:{{ states.device_tracker.suniphone.state }} D:{{ states.device_tracker.dianaiphone.state }}&text=L:{{ states.sensor.lights_on.state }} A:{{ states.alarm_control_panel.ssh.state }}&subtext=H:{{ states.sensor.sn1_humidity.state }} T:{{ states.sensor.sn1_temperature.state }}°D:{{ states.sensor.doors_open.state }}M:{{ states.sensor.motion_away.state }}”

I cannot put &count=, &percent= , these two will give me error.
Then I get
On first row
S:{{ states.device_tracker.suniphone.state }} and so on I can’t see
On second row
L:{{ states.sensor.lights_on.state }} and so on I can’t see
On third row
H:{{ states.sensor.sn1_humidity.state }} and so on I can’t see

on shell command I got error if I put like you
token=mytoken&user=myuser=K:{{ states.device_tracker.iphone.state }}
behind &user=myuser without & before=K, I get error. when I put &=K, I get none of K display no error and follow by {{ states.device_tracker.iphone.state }}. So I have to put &title=K , then display the K but with {{ states.device_tracker.suniphone.state }}

I tried again. This time I get the correct detail but error with light… L:
I will recorrect it. Thank you so much.

Finally, I got it done with only from shell_command.
My shell_command doesn’t works if I put &percent=, &count=. It will give error and show with unknown. Also from the share counter above doesn’t work for me as well.

So I only use the shell_command and sensors only to get the information to my watch.

Thank you so much.

im glad you got it working im sorry i could not help with the shell_command but im not expert im more like copy and paste