Get a value into HA

Hi all.

Hoping someone might be able to help or create a card for me.

I mostly use Node-Red for my automations and I have a need to get some anolog values into various parts for various uses. An example is delays to turn lights off. Or how long to delay anouncements etc.

Does anyone know of a card etc that i can have a dial with say min max values much like a thermostat that will update an entity that i then can see from node red…

Hope that makes sense

Input number can be displayed as a slider in the user interface.

Once configured it’s available as an entity to put in any card, use in automations etc. and can be read by nodered.

Thanks for that. Looks like its a goer :slight_smile:

It worked. Thanks heaps for that

Is there a way to use Input Number (or some other method) to just show a number that is not editable? Seems like this only has two options, box and slider. I’d like to just show a static number that updates internally.

If it’s not supposed to be editable just display a/the sensor value or create a template sensor that holds the value, e.g.

- platform: template
      value_template: '{{ states.zwave.smoke_co_monitor_downstairs.attributes["battery_level"] | int }}'
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      friendly_name: Smoke CO Monitor Downstairs Battery Level

This will just show the value the battery level is at.

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