Get all events of month of google calendar?


i would like to send a telegram message every first day of month which reminder all birthday in the month. :birthday:

The google calendar entity doesn’t show more one event. :unamused:

Atomic-google-calendar show more than one event… :star_struck:

Is there a way to get all event in the month of a calendar :thinking:?

i have see this answer (@der-optimist) but i don’t know appdaemon…


  1. With appdaemon, you can use python to automate HA (and other stuff). If you have basics in python, it should be easy to use appdaemon (and adjust my app to do what you want)
  2. Even though, I don’t think that my solution is a really good solution
  3. I just created it as I did not find another way => I’m interested in a HA-solution too :blush:

You’re asking how to integrate X with Telegram without mentioning what X is …
I assume it’s a Google Calendar from your mentions of atomic-google-calendar

Where are you getting the Birthdays from? What format are they in?

Now I’m assuming you’re asking if any integration can retrieve a series of events. The question could have been posed better.

Thank you for the clarification.

Not necessarily an integration, i don’t know…

I will watch the appdaemon.

I just realized that I had never rewritten the title and the explanation of the subject. :flushed:

It is now done. :+1: