Get data from other entity

Can anyone tell me if its possible to grab a value from a entity for use as a sensor value in the front end

eg I have image_processing.openalpr_frontfloodlight

and its attribute data is

plates: {
“XXXXXXX”: 92.68645477294922
vehicles: 1
friendly_name: OpenAlpr frontfloodlight
device_class: alpr

Id like to somehow log the plates its detecting for security

I think the template sensor is what you are looking for

Doesn’t that only work with sensors?

Image processing doesn’t present as a sensor

what does this give? or what does it say on the state page?


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Got a JSON with the registration!

Nice, so is that how I access the data?

try on of these to get the json data

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Date'
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.json_time.attributes["date"] }}'
        friendly_name: 'milliseconds'
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.json_time.attributes["milliseconds_since_epoch"] }}'
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