Get data from SignalR url

Hello community,

I didn’t found yet a clear answer to my question, maybe someone will be able to help me.
I’ve built a home made weather station with an Arduino and different types of sensors.
My arduino sends every minute the data to a Rapsberry Pi.
My Raspi host an API server that catch the data, and store it into a local database.
In parallele, the api server open a new websocket connexion using signalR.
I have an Angular app that register to this URL ( and each time a data is send by the arduino, the raspi send also the data in this websocket. It result that data are display in real time on my Angular app. That works fine, this is the context.

Now, I would like to get these info also in Home-Assistant but I don’t understand the documentation about the websocket and how I am suppose to configure it.

It is possible to register to a specific url ? How ?
If yes, how can I parse the Json object received and have multiple entities for each Json properties ?
Json object is like { “temperature”: 20, “humidity”: 65, “windSpeed”: 3 }

I would like to display the data in real-time too in HA and eventually to make charts and have an history.

Thanks already for all the tips you could bring me .