Get data from SolarEdge EV Charger (Wallbox)

Hi there,

I have an inverter from SolarEdge which I have already integrated with HA successfully via the SolarEdge Modbus Integration. Now I also got an EV Charger (Wallbox) from SolarEdge and I was hoping that either via the SolarEdge Modbus integration or via the SolarEdge API integration it would be possible to get the data from the SolarEdge EV Charger as well. But this does not seem to be the case.

Does anyone know a trick / solution? Or would one have to implement a separate integration for the SolarEdge EV Charger?

Thanks and best regards
The Smart Home Maker

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Hi there,

whoever stumbles across this topic, I have realized that my SolarEdge EV Charger seems to be a Keba Charger „under the hood“. So by using the Keba integration, I was able to integrate it with Home Assistant :blush:

Best regards
The Smart Home Maker

I have the solaredge ev charger like this one here:
Is this the same as you?
I’m not sure how to tell if it is Keba.

Did you have to change any DIP switches inside the charger to do this?

Can you kindly give a step by step run down on what you did?


Mine looks like this:
So it actually also looks like a KEBA charger. But the one you linked looks differently, so I can’t confirm - you’d probably have to try it out.

I did not have to adjust any hardware.After having installed the charger and connecting it to the home network, the charger provides an admin web interface. Opening that admin interface, it told me already via the browser title that it’s a “KeContact P30” under the hood which made me try out the KEBA integration in Home Assistant and that worked instantly :slight_smile:

Best regards
The Smart Home Maker

Wow thanks for replying.
When I open the local address of the solaredge Ev charger it looks like this:

I can’t see where it says Keba sorry I don’t think it’s the same.

Seems like that one is not from KEBA. Sorry to hear that…

Hi, Can I ask whether your SolarEdge EV charger is the Keba P30 ??X series??. If you look carefully at the SolarEdge EV configuration manual, you can see that may it is the X series. Can I ask how is it connected to your the inverter? is it wireless to the router? or do you have an ethernet cable

Youbet1980. are you by any chance based in Sydney, Australia? Who did your installation

Hi @jytan,

my EV Charger says it’s a “KeContact P30”. I have connected it via ethernet cable.

Best regards
The Smart Home Maker

I’m trying to setup the Keba integration with my SolarEdge EV Charger (a SolarEdge labeled P30).
During start of Home Assistant I can an error “Could not find a charging station at %IP%”. I can confirm that I can access the web interface on that IP.

Can you confirm that the integration still works? What firmware version is installed on your charger @the-smart-home-maker ?

I have a SolarEdge EV charger. In my Unifi router it presented itself als an SMA SunnyBoy AV 5.0. Although my installer claimed I should stick to SolarEdge equipment, to assure everything communicated properly, I suspect this realy is an SMA charger in a SolarEdge case. My SolarEdge account does not give access to the charger when I try to login on the local IP address using my SolarEdge credentials .

Hey @MrGoro,

yes, it still works. See screenshot from this morning with up-to-date data: