Get date from InfluxDB


I am using InfluxDB to store the some temperature sensors. The main reason to be able to pull max and mini temperatures for a specificity period using InfluxDB sensors Is there anyway I also can get the date and time that max value was registered?

I use this code to get the max value fon the last seven days

  - name: Influxdb Max for last week
    unit_of_measurement: °C
    value_template: '{{ value | round(1) }}'
    group_function: max
    where: '"entity_id" = ''outside_filtered_realistic_temperature'' and time > now() - 1w'
    measurement: '"°C"'
    field: value
    database: home_assistant

Did you find the solution for your issue, because I’m interesting by it.

Not really, haven’t tried in a long time either. Still interesting