Get KNX dim value and use it in rule


I’ve got 2 KNX (dali) lights:

  - name: "1.1.15_EVG07 - K13R"
    address: "2/0/45"
    state_address: "2/2/45"
    brightness_address: "2/1/127"
    brightness_state_address: "2/3/57"
  - name: "1.1.15_EVG08 - K13L"
    address: "2/0/14"
    state_address: "0/1/125"
    brightness_address: "2/1/14"
    brightness_state_address: "2/3/14"
  - name: "1.1.18_3.1 - S54"
    state_address: "2/0/14"

Today, the second light (K13L) is configured in KNX to be used with a wall switch (S54).
I would like now to read out the brightness of K13L, and send this value to K13R.
So that both lights are using the same value.

Any suggestion how I can do this best?

I was already able to ‘catch’ the value.

service: logbook.log
metadata: {}
  entity_id: light.1_1_15_evg08_k13l
  name: Wandverlichting
  message: De status van Wandverlichting is {{state_attr('light.1_1_15_evg08_k13l', 'brightness')}}

Next step, use that in a rule to send it to another KNX light. Maybe I should check first to put it in a variable?

I’ve already seen that with a normal rule, you can set value 0-100? Values I see are t 0-255.

Hi :wave:!
I’d create an automation for this.

  • trigger on state change of one light entity (maybe even attribute change - brightness)
  • condition that the state of that entity is “on”
  • action set the other light entities brightness to the brightness attribute of the trigger-entity (via simple state_attr() template.

No need to mess with logbook or Knx directly.

Seems I’m a bit stick to send the value. I was trying this following, but doesn’t works as expected:

alias: Wandverlichting
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - light.1_1_15_evg08_k13l
  - condition: state
    entity_id: light.1_1_15_evg08_k13l
    state: "on"
  - service: light.turn_on
    metadata: {}
      brightness_pct: {{ ((state_attr ('light.1_1_15_evg08_k13l', 'brightness')) / 255 * 100 ) | round(1)}}
      entity_id: light.1_1_15_evg07_k13r_2
mode: single

You are missing quotes here and there is a space between “state_attr” and “(”.

You can also save the calculation and use 0…255 directly.

brightness: "{{ state_attr('light.1_1_15_evg08_k13l', 'brightness') }}"
(have not tested this, but I think this should work)

You can test your templates here Open your Home Assistant instance and show your template developer tools.

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Thanks, this is working:

alias: Wandverlichting
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - light.1_1_15_evg08_k13l
condition: []
  - if:
      - condition: state
        entity_id: light.1_1_15_evg08_k13l
        state: "on"
      - service: light.turn_on
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: light.1_1_15_evg07_k13r_2
      - service: light.turn_on
        metadata: {}
          brightness: "{{ state_attr ('light.1_1_15_evg08_k13l', 'brightness') }}"
          entity_id: light.1_1_15_evg07_k13r_2
        enabled: true
      - service: light.turn_off
            - light.1_1_15_evg07_k13r_2
        data: {}
mode: single

Just not sure if the 2x actions ‘ON’ is a good idea? If I do it without the first one, the light isn’t triggered.

Just have a look at the group monitor to see what happens on Knx side. I think it will send to the brightness GA. If the light turns on by that is an actuator setting (ETS), not a HA thing.

I still think the space is wrong, but if it is working, fine for me.

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