Get last manual movement of cover

Hi there. I’m currently automating my (knx controlled) blinds. It’s working quite fine, but now I came to a requirement which I don’t know how to realize.
With the automation, I’m moving the blinds via height and angle values. However, every room has buttons to move the blinds via step/stop items. I want to consider every movement via the step/stop items as “manual movements” and suspend the automation for a certain time after a manual movement.
How can I get the last time a step/stop movement happend from the cover item?

Good morning,
i was able to resolve this myself.
For those who are interested in my solution: I’m using KNX triggers to trigger an automation that starts a timer. The automation for the blinds is being triggered by the start/stop of the timer and will suspend any actions while the timer is running. This also allows to show the timer as “remaining suspend time” in the dashboard and use the interactions there to terminate the timer if required.

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