Get Life360 to show driving

Those errors are unfortunately not uncommon. Unless they are completely preventing updating of the device_trackers it’s not usually a problem. There are a couple of config options you can set to filter most of those out.

But getting back to the original issue, has it been resolved yet?

I got exactly the same issue here. When i’m driving my home assistant shows me as moving, not as driving.

Is there any update on this? Perhaps I can assist in providing logs or configs? I’m also using the Life360 integration.

What is your life360 HA configuration?

platform: life360
interval_seconds: 30
prefix: life360
#username: !secret email_rick
#password: !secret life360_password
show_as_state: driving, moving
driving_speed: 10
max_gps_accuracy: 300
consider_home: 180
filename: life360.conf
add_zones: false

That is not a correct configuration. See:

Changed it to this, now it should be correct. I have a spliced up configuration, that’s why I need to define a platform.

platform: life360
interval_seconds: 30
prefix: life360
#username: !secret email_rick
#password: !secret life360_password
  - driving
  - moving
driving_speed: 20
max_gps_accuracy: 300
add_zones: false

Are you reading that page? That is not correct.

It should be:

  driving_speed: 20
  interval_seconds: 30
  max_gps_accuracy: 300
    - driving
    - moving

Also, it appears that maybe you once used the custom integration. If so, you need to remove all remnants of it (i.e., there should be no Python files, etc. anywhere in your config directly – especially in custom_components – that has anything to do with the old custom integration, other than the YAML configuration entry in the new format.)

  driving_speed: 20
  interval_seconds: 30
  max_gps_accuracy: 300
  #username: !secret email_rick
  #password: !secret life360_password
    - driving
    - moving

gives me the following error:


And that’s (I think) because my configuration is spliced up, please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m no pro at home assistant yet, and only learning here.

I did indeed use the old integration but made sure that every remnant of that is gone.

You are putting it under device_tracker:. It doesn’t belong there.

EDIT: If you need to, read up more on:

The life360 key is a “top level” key, and needs to be at the “same level” as homeassistant, sensor, etc.

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Alright, I got a valid configuration now. I created a new yaml file in my integrations folder, called it life360, moved above mentioned config to that file, everything checks out now.


I didn’t know about the top level key. I thought I could create a life360 folder in my entities folder and have the yaml file in my integrations folder forward to that life360 folder in entities, same as I do for my sensors, for example.

It’s working again! Thanks for your help, learned something again!

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Glad you got it working Rick…

Can you post your device_tracker configuration and your life_360 configuration
Mine is…

  - platform: life360
    interval_seconds: 12
    prefix: life360
    show_as_state: [driving, moving]
    driving_speed: 10
    max_gps_accuracy: 50
    consider_home: 180
      minutes: 45
    add_zones: true
    filename: life360.conf
      track_new_devices: true


    - username: !secret life360_username
      password: !secret life360_password
  # Only track Members that are in these Circles.
    include: Family


It seems you have used, and are maybe still using, the original custom life360 integration. That is no longer supported. You need to change to using the standard life360 integration.

See the migration instructions here and the doc page for the standard integration here.

Frankly is been so long that Ive forgotten how I set it up… that said I’ll do a migration…

Thanks All!

Sure, keep in mind that I do use the new integration, so I only have a life360.yaml configuration file, I don’t have a device tracker file anymore.

  driving_speed: 15
  interval_seconds: 10
  max_gps_accuracy: 200
    - driving
    - moving

This file is located in my integrations folder, it would be the same if you add this to you configuration.yaml

The life360 integration creates a file in your config folder called life360.conf. This file holds your login credentials and API key.

Not anymore. This is noted in the migration instructions. The credentials are now stored in .storage/core.config_entries.