Get Life360 to show driving

So I’m using Life360 ( the free version) for presence/location detection… its working really well… it triggers my “Arrive Home” automation just fine… but the one nagging thing is that when we’re moving it still shows just “Away”.

When I view the entity state I can see the states… and when shes moving it shows moving
Below you can see the zone she just left… and her on the freeway… Hmmm just noticed that driving IS fals but moving IS true…

Its a trivial thing…but it bothers me
The installation went just fine so I think I’m installed correctly

When I’m at my office it shows the correct name of the zone I have defined in HA in my zones.yamal file… You can see right now Shannon is at Yoga… and I have the zone “RB Vons/Yoga” defined… and it displays.


I’ve learned enough about HA that I’ve miss some small point in my installation/configuration.

Thanks in advance!



 name: Home
  longitude: -xxx.xxxxxxx
  radius: 300
  icon: mdi:home
  consider_home: 180
- name: Aaron's Office
  latitude: xxx.xxxxxxx
  longitude: -xxx.xxxxxxx
  radius: 300
  icon: mdi:office-building
- name: Shannon's Office
  latitude: xxx.xxxxxxx
  longitude: -117.182155
  radius: 300
  icon: mdi:office-building
- name: RB Vons/Yoga
  latitude: 33.020740
  longitude: -117.072640
  radius: 300
  icon: mdi:account-multiple

The tracker is defined in my config file as…

  - platform: life360
    interval_seconds: 30
    prefix: life360
    show_as_state: driving, moving , places
    driving_speed: 10
    max_gps_accuracy: 300
    consider_home: 180
      minutes: 1
    add_zones: true
    minutes: 5
    filename: life360.conf
      track_new_devices: true

in known Devices all devices are defined as this

  hide_if_away: false
  name: Aaron
  picture: https://www.life360.comxxxxxx.png?fd=2
  track: true

The automation just for completeness… I have all the echos in the house in a common group and just call that group… it works great

  alias: Announce Aaron is home
  - data:
        method: speak
        type: announce
      message: Aaron has arrived home. Thats right, daddy's home
      target: group.wenogotta_echos
    service: notify.alexa_media

Remove “places” from your config under “show_as_state” and it’ll show driving

Thanks… Done and I’ll test it out this morning.
Question… how would that suppress the out put?

by putting places you force it to display a place. when you’re a non defined place it shows as away. If you don’t have place displayed, it’ll show you as moving/driving unless you’re in a place. Hope that makes sense

What life360 integration are you using? The old, custom one? Or the new one “built into” HA? If the latter, then your configuration is wrong. See:

Yep… makes perfect sense…
But… the changes didnt seem to make a difference…
The wife just left… and here’s her status

while the overview shows her as just awayCapture2
its interesting that her speed is ~71 and moving is true but driving is false… from the first image shes clearly on the freeway (I hope at 71 lol)

More work to be done! Thanks for your help BTW


  interval_seconds: 30
  show_as_state: [driving, moving]
  driving_speed: 10
  max_gps_accuracy: 300
    minutes: 1

Changes made… system restarted… Still no joy!
The applet still shows
moving = true
driving = false
speed = 53

BTW, a max_update_wait of one minute is a bit unrealistic. I’d suggest changing it to 45 minutes.

She arrived at work… and the status is reporting …
Thisi s one of those things… its gonna be a subtle error… I once had a parsing tool that had an seemingly random error in the processing of a file with 10000 rows… turned out to be an extra space in one of the vales which blew up the compare statement!

Only a bit?

Ask to the min settle for what you can get is my approach… adapt and overcome!

What “applet” are you referring to?

I think it would help if you could query your recorder database to see what the states/attributes have been since making the configuration change. Do you know how to do that?

But that’s not what this option does. This option fires a HA event when the update doesn’t come in the specified period. By making it a minute, all you’re doing is cluttering up the HA “event bus” with events that you’re probably not even using.

Oh… yep that would also no doubt slow performance too!.. I’ll change it!

The applet that show when you click the tracker badge… I’m using applet generically… since it seems to update while showing… dialog might be a better term

If you’re not using the events, just remove the max_update_wait option. However, that has nothing to do with the main issue. I might also suggest enabling debug for homeassistant.core. Then you can see exactly what the life360 device_tracker states/attributes are in home-assistant.log.

Ok, thanks. FWIW, in HA lingo, I believe that is called the entity’s “more info” window.

Will do when she starts her drive home today…

I installed Life360 via the HA Hass.Io component

I don’t know what that means. The life360 integration has been part of HA since 0.95. There’s nothing to “install.”

If you did install my old custom version of life360 then you need to get rid of that. What do you see in /config/custom_components?

Ok… shes moving coming home… and still just showing “Away”

We got this error this morning… so its most likely Life360 having problems

Suppressing further errors until OK: get_circles: CommError: 502 Server Error: Bad Gateway for url:
and later

Log Details (ERROR)

Fri Aug 23 2019 11:42:36 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

get_circle_members “Family”: CommError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v3/circles/46ef1b20-8b15-43ef-a72a-ce63d4a02cfc/members (Caused by ReadTimeoutError(“HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=3.05)”))