Get lights to flash when phone receives calls/messages

I would like my house lights to flash (preferable in different colours, depending on the notification) when my phone receives notifications (calls, messages, and so on). Is this possible in Node red?

Thanks guys!

I know standard automations can do it, so NR should as well. You need to save the current state of each light entity, then perform the flash routine you desire, then restore the states.

I have a limited set of bulbs in my house for notifications that are always off unless they are notifying, so the original state is always off and there is no state to save (except for dealing with overlapping notifications)

Companion app is your friend. It has sensors for incoming calls, messages, etc.

How do I link these sensors to Node red?

install companion app and enable the sensors you want in the app itself. Those sensors will show up in HA and you can use them as any other HA sensor with the event state node for example