I am trying to get data from a motion sensor connected to my Indigo home automation server by using mqtt.
The mqtt string that is sent looks like this in the mqtt listener in HA:
{'name': 'MS - Motion - Office', 'deviceId':'1358686939','model': 'Multi Sensor 6 (ZW100)', 'address': '129', 'states': { 'batteryLevel': '100', 'batteryLevel.ui': '100%', 'onOffState': 'False' } }
My config looks like this:
- platform: mqtt
name: "Switch MQTT test"
state_topic: "indigo/variables/1085500151/update"
payload_on: "on"
payload_off: "off"
qos: 0
- platform: mqtt
name: "Motion Sensor Office"
state_topic: "indigo/devices/1358686939/update"
payload_on: "True"
payload_off: "False"
qos: 0
device_class: motion
value_template: '{{value_json.states.onOffState}}'
I am able to get the one easy variable device to work. But for some reason I am not able to get the motion sensor to work. Anyone that can help me to get this data in to HA?