Get myQ door and ring alarm status via siri voice commands and in carplay/watch?


Newbie here. I have an old PC running full HAOS, and IOS companion app.

I got IOS device actions working in app/watch/carplay(configured from server, not app) to close the garage door via IFTTT/myQ, and arm and disarm my ring alarm.

I would like to:
a) see the status of the ring alarm and myQ garage door in carplay/watch. is this possible?
b) ask siri for those same two statuses. I’ve seen some posts about using shortcuts, but they assume I know more than I do about naming of devices, methods, etc. in HA. Is there a step-by-step somewhere? for example How to get state of a sensor with siri shortcuts? - #4 by zacwest gives a similar example, but I don’t know what to do step by step, or how to translate it to my devices.

Thanks for any help you can give a noob!