Get sensor readings from OW-SERVER

I have an OW-SERVER to gather data from my OneWire sensors. I would like for HA to pick up the sensor readings from tne OW-SERVER but I am not sure how.

The OW-SERVER does support publishing them as XML (see below) or sending them as a POST-call. It can also open a TCP server exposing the 1-wire interface.

Any ideas on what route would be the easiest to take in this case? I am a HA newbie.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Devices-Detail-Response xmlns="" 
<DateTime>2019-02-21 08:57:21</DateTime>
<owd_DS18S20 Description="Parasite power thermometer">
<PrimaryValue>36.0000 Deg C</PrimaryValue>
<Temperature Units="Centigrade">36.0000</Temperature>
<UserByte1 Writable="True">75</UserByte1>
<UserByte2 Writable="True">70</UserByte2>
<owd_DS2423 Description="RAM with counters">
<PrimaryValue>398849, 1</PrimaryValue>
<owd_DS18S20 Description="Parasite power thermometer">
<PrimaryValue>6.5000 Deg C</PrimaryValue>
<Temperature Units="Centigrade">6.5000</Temperature>
<UserByte1 Writable="True">75</UserByte1>
<UserByte2 Writable="True">70</UserByte2>

Hi, did you solve this? I have a couple of OW-Servers aswell and would be great to intergrate them to Home Assistant, i have had them working well with VERA with the OW-SERVER plugin for VERA (Micasaverde)

Sorry, I was kind of hoping that someone else had already figured this out. :slight_smile:

But my next try for this will be to poll individual sensor data using a RESTful sensor.
It is not very well documented but you can poll individual sensor data from the OW-SERVER using the following syntax: http://owserver.local/gettag.csv?romid=FA0008022A1B3610&tag=Temperature&title=0
You can add more tags if you feel like it.

So next thing is to make this work as a RESTful sensor.

Hi, i figured out how to use ow-server yesterday.
Use SNMP sensor and SNMP Switch to read sensors and control/read values of 1-wire devices connected to ow-server since it has SNMP.
Works well and hass has native support for SNMP.

SNMP Switch

SNMP sensor

1 Like

That worked just great, thanks!!!

Hello, where did you find baseoid for owserver ???

Tks for your help.

I used some kind of SNMP-browser, it took me a while though. You might get helped by my configuration:

  - platform: snmp
    name: ow_boiler_temp
    scan_interval: 30

  - platform: snmp
    name: ow_boiler_out_temp
    scan_interval: 30

  - platform: snmp
    name: ow_outside_temp
    scan_interval: 1800

  - platform: snmp
    name: ow_pool_temp
    scan_interval: 600

  - platform: snmp
    name: ow_pool_techroom_temp
    scan_interval: 600

  - platform: snmp
    name: ow_kitchen_temp
    scan_interval: 600

Note that the “ow_pool_temp” has a slightly different baseoid than the rest, I think it is because it is a different type of device (DS18B20 instead of DS18S20).

I’d suggest anyone polling the OW-SERVER-ENET-2 or OW-SERVER-WiFi-2G via SNMP to lock the sensor order through the OW-SERVER’s web interface. The Lock Order will prevent the OIDs of a sensor from changing following power cycles. You can lock the order with the following steps:
Connect all the 1-Wire sensors to the OW-SERVER (if you add additional sensors repeat these steps)
Go to OW-SERVER’s web interface
Select System Configuration>Lock Order
Click the link “To set the lock order”

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Thanks David, this was great information to get since I had just this issue a while back and didn’t know about the feature. I had to remap some of my sensors which was a bit of a hassle.

That box you built is amazing, it just keeps on working day in and day out :wink:

I’m currently moving to Home Assistant. I figured out a better solution for me and want to share it:

  • Make sure you have the current firmware for OW-SERVER-ENET-2, at least 2.11, see OWFS-Hint
  • Open the Low-Level-Onewire-Interface on the OW-SERVER-ENET-2 under System Configuration --> 1-wire Interface
  • Create an OWFS-Server. As my Home Assistant is a docker instance, I used roobbb/owserver
  • Create a config file (see below) and make the folder where it resides available as /root/.local/share
  • You can test the OWFS-Server now using the HTTP-Access, e.g. on http://localhost:2121
  • Now add the 1-wire-Integration in Home Assistant. For me, the predefined localhost and port were just fine
  • Unfortunately, not all devices are supported (I have one out of 20 which is not), see 1-Wire-Integration documentation of Home Assistant
######################## SOURCES ########################
# With this setup, any client (but owserver) uses owserver on the
# local machine...
! server: server =
# owserver tcp address - the "enet" is the key for OW-SERVER-ENET-2
server: enet =
# random simulated device
#server: FAKE = DS18S20,DS2405
######################### OWFS ##########################
mountpoint = /mnt/1wire
####################### OWHTTPD #########################
http: port = 2121
####################### OWFTPD ##########################
ftp: port = 2120
####################### OWSERVER ########################
server: port = 4304

I also use the great 1-wire device OW-SERVER-ENET-2
it is easy to query with rest

  resource: ""
  scan_interval: 180
    - name: "1 wire EDS"
      unique_id: "owserver1"
      value_template: "{{ value_json['Devices-Detail-Response']['HostName']}}"
      force_update: true
      json_attributes_path: "$.['Devices-Detail-Response']"
        - MACAddress
        - DeviceName
        - VoltagePower
        - DateTime
        - LoopTime
        - PollCount
        - DevicesConnected
        - DevicesConnectedChannel1
        - DevicesConnectedChannel2
        - DevicesConnectedChannel3
        - VoltageChannel1
        - VoltageChannel2
        - VoltageChannel3
        - DataErrorsChannel1
        - DataErrorsChannel2
        - DataErrorsChannel3

    - name: "Temperatur AuĂźen Nord"
      unique_id: owserver1.temp.aussen.nord
      value_template: "{{ (value_json['Devices-Detail-Response']['owd_DS18B20'] | selectattr('ROMId','==','A2000002CC54D928') | list | first)['Temperature']['#text'] | round(1) }}"
      force_update: true
      device_class: temperature
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      json_attributes_path: "$.['Devices-Detail-Response']['owd_DS18B20'][?(@.ROMId =='A2000002CC54D928')]"
        - Channel
        - Health
        - ROMId

    - name: "Temperatur AuĂźen SĂĽd direkt"
      unique_id: owserver1.temp.aussen.sued.direkt
      # alternative Art den Wert zu lesen
      value_template: >
        {% for x in value_json['Devices-Detail-Response']['owd_DS18B20'] %}
          {% if x['ROMId'] == '6F00000CA7AEC528' %}
            {{ x['Temperature']['#text'] | round(1)}}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
      force_update: true
      device_class: temperature
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      json_attributes_path: "$.['Devices-Detail-Response']['owd_DS18B20'][?(@.ROMId =='6F00000CA7AEC528')]"
        - Channel
        - Health
        - ROMId

    - name: "Temperatur AuĂźen SĂĽd"
      unique_id: owserver1.temp.aussen.sued
      value_template: "{{ (value_json['Devices-Detail-Response']['owd_DS18B20'] | selectattr('ROMId','==','2600000CA6A7D728') | list | first)['Temperature']['#text'] | round(1) }}"
      force_update: true
      device_class: temperature
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      json_attributes_path: "$.['Devices-Detail-Response']['owd_DS18B20'][?(@.ROMId =='2600000CA6A7D728')]"
        - Channel
        - Health
        - ROMId

    - name: "Temperatur Teich"
      unique_id: owserver1.temp.teich
      value_template: "{{ (value_json['Devices-Detail-Response']['owd_DS18B20'] | selectattr('ROMId','==','8400000FD6022B28') | list | first)['Temperature']['#text'] | round(1) }}"
      force_update: true
      device_class: temperature
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      json_attributes_path: "$.['Devices-Detail-Response']['owd_DS18B20'][?(@.ROMId =='8400000FD6022B28')]"
        - Channel
        - Health
        - ROMId