Hi all,
I’m currently setting and configurating some devices in my HomeAssistant instance, which is running without any problems in one of my Proxmox machines.
Apart from some BT temperature/humidity sensors (Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC) and other devices I would like to smart up my lights and/or switches using Zigbee Devices
The problem: I am not sure, which aprroach fits best:
1.) Installing a “flush-mounted box Zigbee switches” like the one from LED Trading
- I can use my old switches.
- I can use normal / non-smart lamps, which is usually cheaper
- Wife-Acceptance-Factor would probably be the highest
- ?
2.) Changing all my lamps to smart bulbs + changing my old switches to Zigbee switches. Technically I would modify the lamps’ powerlines to “continuous” on; controlling the lamps is then done by the smart switches.
- Highest flexibility
- Changing all switches to new ones to controll the actual lights is probably more expensive since bulb + switches needs to be changes.
Is there any recommendation? Do I miss anything?
Would be great to hear from you. Maybe you have an advice