Get switches/lights smart using Zigbee

Hi all,
I’m currently setting and configurating some devices in my HomeAssistant instance, which is running without any problems in one of my Proxmox machines.
Apart from some BT temperature/humidity sensors (Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC) and other devices I would like to smart up my lights and/or switches using Zigbee Devices
The problem: I am not sure, which aprroach fits best:

1.) Installing a “flush-mounted box Zigbee switches” like the one from LED Trading


  • I can use my old switches.
  • I can use normal / non-smart lamps, which is usually cheaper
  • Wife-Acceptance-Factor would probably be the highest


  • ?

2.) Changing all my lamps to smart bulbs + changing my old switches to Zigbee switches. Technically I would modify the lamps’ powerlines to “continuous” on; controlling the lamps is then done by the smart switches.

  • Highest flexibility


  • Changing all switches to new ones to controll the actual lights is probably more expensive since bulb + switches needs to be changes.

Is there any recommendation? Do I miss anything?
Would be great to hear from you. Maybe you have an advice :slight_smile:

If I have to choose between smart switches vs smart bulbs… Smart switches always.

Smart bulbs would probably make sense only if/when you want them to do change colors (e.g. for notifications). Outside of that use case… smart bulbs are not very practical.

Also, I’d search here:
Supported Devices | Zigbee2MQTT

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