I’m only trying to help I put my idea’s into text’s I have a little problem I have dyslexia so what I type is what’s in my head so sorry about the bad English
As I find it hard to read these post I just wing it think of idea and make it happen sometime so a lot of pulling hear
All I can say my house does thing base on what who and thing happing in my house I dont put the phone out of my pocket and turn something on my house us does it
I’m having an issue with a sonoff basic flashed with tasmota. I can switch on and off via HA and it indicates the status. When I manually turn on or off that switch it does not update in HA.
Here is my MQTT (mosquito add-on):
platform: mqtt
name: “Test Basic”
command_topic: "cmnd/DVES_XXXXXX_fb/POWER
qos: 1
payload_on: ON
payload_off: OFF
retain: true
I’m choosing just to use the fall back topic to better track my switches. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
i am using the switches that are there where Up is off and Down is on (well in new zealand it is
logic will be the same for US guys Up on and down id off
Yes, I have a Sonoff Touch (US) and a Sonoff Basic. When I physically press or publish the button on each, Home Assistant is not updating the status to either ON or OFF concluding that if I view that switch in HA without prior knowledge, I don’t know if it is on or off.
I know that this may be rudimentary but I am pretty early on with HA. As a side note, I have Wemo setup in Tasmota and HA sees it but fails to install or integrate it automatically. That’s for another discussion though.