I would like to create an automation for my floor heating. I don’t want it to heat during the night if the maximum temperature is above 20C the next day.
I can get the following information via the weather service:
temperature: 14.8
humidity: 53
pressure: 1012.8
wind_bearing: 71
wind_speed: 7.4
visibility: 35.6
- datetime: '2022-04-12T00:00:00Z'
condition: partlycloudy
temperature: 22
templow: 13
precipitation: 0
wind_bearing: 82.25
wind_speed: 3.09
wind_gusts: 6.69
precipitation_probability: 4
- datetime: '2022-04-13T00:00:00Z'
condition: sunny
temperature: 23
templow: 10
precipitation: 0
wind_bearing: 133.42
wind_speed: 2.06
wind_gusts: 5.66
precipitation_probability: 10
Unfortunately, the field with the date changes daily. Since I am relatively new, I do not know exactly how to implement this. Can someone explain me how I can always read the temperature of the next day?
Thanks a lot