Get the current energy price via Alexa Voice request. (Tibber etc.)

Hi there,

here I have a little nice feature to get the current price for energy when i ask for it.

Integration used:
Epex Spot data integration (for forecast) and Tibber Integration for current price.
Would be working standalone with Epex.

I think this cant be used with copy and paste and needs a little bit of refinement for other home assistant instances.
The best thing is to get the alexa last media player and play the answer on that echo.

alias: "Alexa: Strompreis ausgeben"
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: preisabfrage_strom
condition: []
  - action: alexa_media.update_last_called
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
  - action: notify.alexa_media_last_called
    metadata: {}
      message: >-
        Der aktuelle Strompreis ist  {{
        ('{:.2f}'.format((states('sensor.meineStraße_strompreis') |float
        * 100 | float) |round(2)) | replace('.', ','))}}  cent. Der beste
        Strompreis ist heute um {{
        states('sensor.startzeit_des_besten_strompreises') | as_timestamp |
        timestamp_custom('%H:%M', default='unbekannt') }} Uhr und beträgt {% set
        startzeit = state_attr('binary_sensor.bester_strompreis',
        'data')[0]['start_time'] %}{% for data_block in
        state_attr('sensor.epex_spot_data_net_price', 'data') %}{% if
        as_timestamp(startzeit) >= as_timestamp(data_block.start_time) and
        as_timestamp(startzeit) <= as_timestamp(data_block.end_time) %}{% set
        price_per_kwh = data_block.price_ct_per_kwh %}{{ price_per_kwh |
        round(2) | replace('.', ',') }}{% endif %}{% endfor %} cent
mode: single

To trigger this, you can create a sentence or more to activate a smart home element in home assistant.

Have fun with that.