Get the state of an entity dynamically?

I can easily use different entities based on data passed into the script but I don’t seem to be able to get the state of those entities. For example, I call a script:

  - service: script.my_script
      my_number: 1

and this works and turns on switch.number1:

  - service: switch.turn_on
      entity_id: switch.number{{ my_number }}

but this doesn’t work, duration returns 00:0:00

  - service: timer.start
      entity_id: timer.my_timer
      duration: "00:{{ states('input_number.time{{ my_number }}') | int }}:00"

Is what I want to do even possible?

because you are using {{}} inside {{}}. {{}} tells jinja to execute this line as a return. I suggest brushing up on templating and Jinja:

This may work:

  - service: timer.start
      entity_id: timer.my_timer
      duration: >
        {% set n = states('input_number.time' + my_number)  | int %}
          00:{{ '%02i' | format(n) }}:00


  - service: timer.start
      entity_id: timer.my_timer
      duration: "{{ '00:%02i:00' | format(states('input_number.time'+my_number) | int) }}"

That was really helpful, thank you.
The first suggestion worked and I have learned a new thing:-

That has moved me on in my learning but, I don’t understand why this (and other things I tried) doesn’t work (cycle is 1)?

  - wait_template: >
      {{ is_state('timer.cycle' + cycle + '_zone_duration', 'idle') }}

This does work.

  - wait_template: >
      {{ is_state('timer.cycle1_zone_duration', 'idle') }}

cycle is passed like this,

  - service: script.my_script:      
      cycle: 1

That’s probably because cycle is an integer, you cannot add integers and strings. This should work:

  - wait_template: >
      {{ is_state('timer.cycle' + cycle | string + '_zone_duration', 'idle') }}

you could also use format:

  - wait_template: >
      {{ is_state('timer.cycle%i_zone_duration' | format(cycle), 'idle') }}

That’s brilliant, thanks.

I was thinking along the right lines, that’s why I showed how I passed cycle.
I wondered if it were because it was an integer and I had even tried a couple of (made up :slight_smile: ) ways to convert it.

My main struggle is finding stuff documented. My first port of call is usually but it’s far from perfect if you don’t already know what you’re looking for.

Anyway, thanks again!! I really appreciate it.

It takes some time learning API’s, especially because jinja isn’t documented heavily. If you familiarize yourself with python, jinja comes very naturally. It’s the only reason I know jinja.

I am afaid that didn’t work.
cycle is indeed a string already (I had forgotten it got passed along from a previous script - sorry about that but at least I learnt some new things).

So, I am still at a loss as to why

  - wait_template: >
      {{ is_state('timer.cycle' + cycle + '_zone_duration', 'idle') }}

doesn’t work? It sits there forever and I have confirmed with persistant notifications that timer.cycle1_zone_duration does change to ‘idle’ and cycle is 1

The full (abridged) chain is:

    - service: script.run_a_cycle
        cycle: 1

          - service: script.irrigate_a_zone
              cycle: '{{ cycle }}'
              zone: 1

      - wait_template: >
          {{ is_state('timer.cycle' + cycle + '_zone_duration', 'idle') }}

Try this:

  - wait_template: >
      {% set entity = 'timer.cycle' + cycle + '_zone_duration' %}
      {{ is_state(entity , 'idle') }}

Also, look in your logs and check for errors or warnings. You may need to turn logging to debug.

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What can I say?
Thank you so much. That is perfect. I am sure I tried something along those lines when you showed me ‘set’ earlier on, but obviously I had something wrong.

Once again, thank you. I hope one day to be able to replay all the goodwill I have had from this forum since I joined a few weeks ago.