Getting 2013 Zoe data into HA

Hello all, I hope this is an appropriate question for here:

I would like to use this BT to MQTT tool to grab data from my 2013 Zoe into HA:

I have a M5 Echo which (I think!?) is an ESP32 with BT and WiFi so SHOULD be capable of doing this but I have absolutley no clue how I might go about deploying the code from the repository above onto this little fella, using ESPHome in HomeAssistant??

I would be really greatful if anybody here could offer any help / hints / tips / guide ?

What about do the detailed instructions do you need help with?

I dont see how to get the instruction in the guide into ESPHome for deployment, maybe this isn´t possible?

I have only one (poor, I bricked the device) experience using the Arduino IDE… Maybe I´ll pluck up the courage to try it again.