I’m splitting and getting the second element after the ‘:’ which strips off ‘Reservation URL:’, and getting the first element from a split of 'Phone.which gets me the URL.
Your first alternative is brilliant, I wasn’t aware of that function, another piece of learning for me.
The second you posted gets the Phone number unless I change it the split from [0] to [1], then it returns
If your template actually reports the URL then it means I didn’t simulate your data correctly.
Nevertheless, the two techniques I posted are capable of extracting the URL.
Keep in mind that none of the techniques presented so far are fault tolerant (neither mine or yours). In other words, if the data isn’t structured exactly as expected, all the techniques will fail with an error (for example, if regex_findall_index doesn’t find the pattern or when attempting to reference a non-existent item in a list).
To make it fault-tolerant, you can check the list’s length before attempting to reference a specific item in the list. However it’s a bit more challenging for bomb-proofing regex_findall_index.