Getting a number or text value out of HomeKit into HA

Does anyone know of a way to get a HomeKit sensor value out of Homekit - like for example a short text value or a temperature ? I suspect you can’t. I can’t link this type of value via another device and HomeBridge AFAIK.

Otherwise I will again try pairing the device with HA and then passing the sensor on to HomeKit. Last time I tried it didn’t work but I’ll have another go.

You might get more response if you could be more specific?
What is the device?
What is the data you are trying to get?

It is an eve Thread connected thermostatic radiator valve and I would like the temperatures and maybe the scheduling if possible. Also a similar weather station that posts things like ‘rain’ or ‘fog’ So text would be even better

I don’t think it’s possible except by linking the device in HomeKit to a similar virtual device from HA or HomeBridge and then only for basic on|off or level (brightness) - not longer numeric or text states.

Has anyone any idea how to get an Eve Thread connected HomeKit device value back into HA?