Getting a Tuya TS0001 relay to be in "inching" or auto-off mode

I’ve got a MHCOZY SMT145 dry-contact Zigbee relay. ZHA is detecting it as a Tuya TS0001. What I’d like to do is configure it as an “inching” or auto-off relay (to trigger my garage door opener).

The problem is that, in the page to configure it, the cluster attributes are rather vague.
In TuyaZBOnOffAttributeCluster, I’ve noticed, among others, attributes “off_wait_time”, “on_time” and “switch_mode” which look a little promising.

After a bit of hunting, I found some threads which suggest that “off_wait_time” is the main attribute I’m after, and it is to be set to an integer representing seconds, but setting that to something like 3 didn’t cause it to auto-off. Another thread suggested that “on_time” also needs to be set to the same value. I tried that, too, and it didn’t help.

Does anybody have any clarification on what these attributes control and how I should configure them for auto-off?

UPDATE: I found an actual explanation of the parameters here on page 3-53. “on_time” seems to be how long to wait before switching back off provided that the device receives an “on with timed off” command (can ZHA even be configured to send that?). “off_wait_time” seems to be a timeout to guard against a flood of “on” commands. So… neither of those are what I’m after, it seems.

I bought that exact relay to control my gate and shelved it because I couldn’t succeed in getting it set up correctly - although granted, I only fiddled with it for 30 minutes because it was scorching hot outside. I’d be curious to know if you find the answer. I got the impression one of the buttons would toggle “inching” on or off but I couldn’t figure it out and the documentation is lacking.

Yeah… it’s entirely possible that this one just doesn’t offer that. That would be too bad, since this is the only single-switch, dry-contact relay I’ve found that can be powered with 110V. Others are either two or three switch (like some Zooz ones) or they’re “wet” contact, where they’re connecting their power supply to the relay.

Hi there… have you gone to Comands Tab from Zigbee Manager windows?
It is possible do send that on_with_timed_off command…

After sending the comand, it gets on_state, buy I did not figured out how to turn it off like inching mode!!! Still trying…
It seems like a toggle mode when sending the same command two times!!!