Getting access_token in front-end on companion app

I have a widget which is client-side only, and it gets the access_token (and refresh_token) from localStorage. I then use this token to make authenticated requests. This works great through the browser or an app like fully kiosk.

On the Companion App (android), however, localStorage does not contain the access_token (normally in key: ‘hassTokens’). window.__tokenCache is also undefined. Is there somewhere else on the front-end that i can pull the current access_token (or refresh token) from? If not, how do you recommend getting an access_token via a client-side call on the companion app (like, is there a place i can get the client_id and code for grant type: authorization_code)?

try to use chrome remote debugging, should give you access to what you need

I did that… the ‘hassTokens’ key is just not there… there are other keys in localStorage related to hass, but not the hassTokens key and no other key that contains the token.

I tried clearing app cache, removing my hass server from the app and re-adding it, etc… no hassTokens key in local storage (and window.__tokenCache is also undefined).