I just happened to stumble on the ‘Ask Ada’ addon today, and as I just recently put all my Alexas and Google Asses in a drawer over growing unease about having so many open mics around, not to mention the privacy and data collection - which has gotten to the point of shameless and interrupting solicitation.
Anyhow, I read the page about configuring it and plugged a mic and speakers into a USB sound dongle. Every time the addon starts it crashes in a few seconds, and according to the log is unable to open sound device 0. I know from experience that a USB audio device would be ALSA 1 (if Hassos even uses alsa, I don’t know.) I’ve searched around the filesystem but I can’t find anywhere how to configure it. I tried the usual Linux alsa commands but they don’t exist.
I searched the forums and see nothing about this … surely people have had the problem as well.